Status as a predictor of reproductive success of visual artists (visual) | Homo sapiens
One of the most exciting topics about the evolution of humans deals with the adaptive features, behaviors, or special areas just for us people. Why are we so enjoy music? What's the point in art at all? Why humor plays such an important role in our lives? Quite clear these abilities do not really relevant to survival and thus natural selection does not provide a satisfactory explanation. Do we have developed these capabilities as part of sexual selection? Jeffrey Miller (who was my PhD supervisor) think so. He published an influential book called The Mating Mind in which he develops the concept of sexual selection to include what he calls the theory of mental Hcshirotiim indicators (mental fitness indicators).
According to the theory of Miller's ageb mental indicators, high artistic capabilities were developed to highlight ageb genetic quality ageb of the occupant. Some of these capabilities are closely related to high intelligence, such as the ability to be funny (the subject I've expanded on it here and here). This intelligence by the way, is not necessarily tested a standardized IQ tests and can include additional dimensions. In addition, there is also an element of burden in a large field. For example, people who have developed linguistic abilities, with a huge vocabulary or knowledge of several languages, boast these capabilities as an "I showed off", just like the glorious peacock's tail. The ultimate goal is to highlight women you are a successful man, and thus attract mates and Sexual Partner. Not the case the emphasis is on attracting mates because these women are more selective in choosing a mate. According to the theory, men who will compete more successful artist (example in sexually fierce competition), which is one explanation for why there are more men excelling in most areas of the arts. Women however, are more sensitive to art and attracted artists of various kinds, especially during their ovulation (peak fertility). Because there is evidence that intelligence in general, and specific artistic abilities have a significant genetic component inherited, it is easy to see how these features evolved through sexual selection.
One of the explicit predictions of the theory is successful artists will have greater reproductive success, and more specific it would be much more true for men. Because we live in a modern world this is not necessarily reflected in a large number of children but more number of sexual partners, or rather Partner sexuality. Popular ageb singers known to enjoy a large number of Sexual Partner But for other arts have less information. New research examined the issue among visual artists.
The researchers collected data in various visual artists (which recruited through personal acquaintance and advertising in magazines and various Internet sites). They collected various ageb data indicating how these artists are considered. How long they are engaged in, how long they spend a week of art, a number of exhibitions past five years, the length ageb of time the exhibits were introduced, the maximum and the minimum price they paid for their work, and how much money they earned their art last year. These indicators were grouped ageb together to create the index occupational status.
About reproductive success, the artists were asked about the number of children they have, the number of Partner sexuality in their lives, and the duration of their various relationships. A total of 236 artists participated in heterosexual, 85 men and 151 women. The age range was very wide from -18-78 with an average ageb age of 43.
The researchers ran a regression ageb model to examine these different variables can predict ageb the reproductive success of artists (as measured by the number of sexual partners, number of children was found to not good because too many chose not to report it). For men, the only variable that was significant was professional status. As professional artists were more successful that their reproductive success was greater. Professional status explained 35% of variance of reproductive success.
For women, the regression ageb model designed to examine what explains their number ageb of sexual partners was also significant, but only 16% of the variance was explained. The main difference between the models was the explanatory variables. Among women, it was two variables: the amount of time the relationship continues, and age of the woman. Had nothing of their professional status. ageb
In summary, the results are consistent with the theory of sexual selection and mental indicators. Only for men, visual artists benefited from a number of successful sexual Partner longer, just like lighting predicted. High status ageb is one of the attractions of the most prominent for women, which explains why many women are attracted to men who otherwise would be considered quite ugly (Steven Tyler Aerosmith, Rick Aokisk cars frontman who is married to one of the most desirable models at the time, Pauline Foritz'kovh or Picasso). For women, their success as artists did not increase their reproductive success if that is possible, successful ageb artist ageb also attract men, only that they preferred partners for long-term relationships rather than short and casual relationships.
This so-called Garbage in, garbage out.
I'd love to hear how you were checking with several men and women lay each. This is a very common, and actually anonymity allows real answers (though ageb may be bombast). This review is not really serious that you can claim that a study asking people to report something is not serious. The bottom line is significant correlation between the number of partners reported their status as artists and are clear differences between men and women. ageb If it was not reliable you would not find such a link.
Era, you completely distorts the research and your holy rage just not there. First of all, as of questionnaires is not 100% reliable but they are not unreliable at 100%. You are going to extremes like everyone is lying and it is clearly ageb not true. The tool is not damaged but just not perfect if you want to eliminate the use of it then it will be impossible to conduct any research ageb in the social sciences almost.
In addition, they used a different scale to check the status on the artists. This included the number of hours of work per week, from
One of the most exciting topics about the evolution of humans deals with the adaptive features, behaviors, or special areas just for us people. Why are we so enjoy music? What's the point in art at all? Why humor plays such an important role in our lives? Quite clear these abilities do not really relevant to survival and thus natural selection does not provide a satisfactory explanation. Do we have developed these capabilities as part of sexual selection? Jeffrey Miller (who was my PhD supervisor) think so. He published an influential book called The Mating Mind in which he develops the concept of sexual selection to include what he calls the theory of mental Hcshirotiim indicators (mental fitness indicators).
According to the theory of Miller's ageb mental indicators, high artistic capabilities were developed to highlight ageb genetic quality ageb of the occupant. Some of these capabilities are closely related to high intelligence, such as the ability to be funny (the subject I've expanded on it here and here). This intelligence by the way, is not necessarily tested a standardized IQ tests and can include additional dimensions. In addition, there is also an element of burden in a large field. For example, people who have developed linguistic abilities, with a huge vocabulary or knowledge of several languages, boast these capabilities as an "I showed off", just like the glorious peacock's tail. The ultimate goal is to highlight women you are a successful man, and thus attract mates and Sexual Partner. Not the case the emphasis is on attracting mates because these women are more selective in choosing a mate. According to the theory, men who will compete more successful artist (example in sexually fierce competition), which is one explanation for why there are more men excelling in most areas of the arts. Women however, are more sensitive to art and attracted artists of various kinds, especially during their ovulation (peak fertility). Because there is evidence that intelligence in general, and specific artistic abilities have a significant genetic component inherited, it is easy to see how these features evolved through sexual selection.
One of the explicit predictions of the theory is successful artists will have greater reproductive success, and more specific it would be much more true for men. Because we live in a modern world this is not necessarily reflected in a large number of children but more number of sexual partners, or rather Partner sexuality. Popular ageb singers known to enjoy a large number of Sexual Partner But for other arts have less information. New research examined the issue among visual artists.
The researchers collected data in various visual artists (which recruited through personal acquaintance and advertising in magazines and various Internet sites). They collected various ageb data indicating how these artists are considered. How long they are engaged in, how long they spend a week of art, a number of exhibitions past five years, the length ageb of time the exhibits were introduced, the maximum and the minimum price they paid for their work, and how much money they earned their art last year. These indicators were grouped ageb together to create the index occupational status.
About reproductive success, the artists were asked about the number of children they have, the number of Partner sexuality in their lives, and the duration of their various relationships. A total of 236 artists participated in heterosexual, 85 men and 151 women. The age range was very wide from -18-78 with an average ageb age of 43.
The researchers ran a regression ageb model to examine these different variables can predict ageb the reproductive success of artists (as measured by the number of sexual partners, number of children was found to not good because too many chose not to report it). For men, the only variable that was significant was professional status. As professional artists were more successful that their reproductive success was greater. Professional status explained 35% of variance of reproductive success.
For women, the regression ageb model designed to examine what explains their number ageb of sexual partners was also significant, but only 16% of the variance was explained. The main difference between the models was the explanatory variables. Among women, it was two variables: the amount of time the relationship continues, and age of the woman. Had nothing of their professional status. ageb
In summary, the results are consistent with the theory of sexual selection and mental indicators. Only for men, visual artists benefited from a number of successful sexual Partner longer, just like lighting predicted. High status ageb is one of the attractions of the most prominent for women, which explains why many women are attracted to men who otherwise would be considered quite ugly (Steven Tyler Aerosmith, Rick Aokisk cars frontman who is married to one of the most desirable models at the time, Pauline Foritz'kovh or Picasso). For women, their success as artists did not increase their reproductive success if that is possible, successful ageb artist ageb also attract men, only that they preferred partners for long-term relationships rather than short and casual relationships.
This so-called Garbage in, garbage out.
I'd love to hear how you were checking with several men and women lay each. This is a very common, and actually anonymity allows real answers (though ageb may be bombast). This review is not really serious that you can claim that a study asking people to report something is not serious. The bottom line is significant correlation between the number of partners reported their status as artists and are clear differences between men and women. ageb If it was not reliable you would not find such a link.
Era, you completely distorts the research and your holy rage just not there. First of all, as of questionnaires is not 100% reliable but they are not unreliable at 100%. You are going to extremes like everyone is lying and it is clearly ageb not true. The tool is not damaged but just not perfect if you want to eliminate the use of it then it will be impossible to conduct any research ageb in the social sciences almost.
In addition, they used a different scale to check the status on the artists. This included the number of hours of work per week, from
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