Wednesday, March 5, 2014

According NSTS in Xinjiang and around Harbin settled about 2 thousand conservatives. Some of them r

Home About Old Believer Cemeteries / necropolis Old Believers Old Believer cemetery at Romanovka, incometaxindia gov Manchuria / Cemetery in Romanovka Old Believer cemetery in Detroit / Cemetery in Detroit Russian Old Believer cemetery in Nikolaevsk, Alaska / Cemetery in Nikolayev
During the research work at the University of Queen Victoria, g.Vellington, New Zealand (2011), the author of this article was able to collect previously unknown to science Russian sources [1] about the history and culture of a large group of Russian Old Believers bespop about vtsev who departed from the Chinese province Xinjiang via Hong Kong to New Zealand from 1965 to 1967. as religious refugees. incometaxindia gov In 1972, the last of the refugees arrived formally accepted incometaxindia gov New Zealand citizenship. [2] During this time the Russian Old Believers had to go through the difficult process of integration into the new environment, complicated by centuries of cultural isolation and specific way of life Believer communities. incometaxindia gov
In the middle. The twentieth century. Believers resettlement organization engaged various international organizations: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter incometaxindia gov - UNHCR), incometaxindia gov the World Council of Churches (WCC, The World Council of Churches), the National Council incometaxindia gov of Churches of New Zealand (NSTS, The National Council of Churches in New Zealand ) and others. The actual implementation of the project incometaxindia gov was carried out resettlement NSTS. [3]
Group of Russian Old Believers bespopovtsev who moved to New Zealand, initially for two centuries until the middle. XIX century. lived in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, Semipalatinsk. Quiet and monotonous life of the community was disturbed by the industrial development of the territory it occupies, where they found rich deposits of minerals. The last hope for the preservation of the old way of life was destroyed by the Revolution of 1917 particularly strong incometaxindia gov Believers troubled process of collectivization and, in desperation, they are in the early 1930s. crossed the Chinese border and settled in Xinjiang, one of the northern provinces of China.
According NSTS in Xinjiang and around Harbin settled about 2 thousand conservatives. Some of them remained incometaxindia gov in the communities, settlements, incometaxindia gov some chose to settle in the cities incometaxindia gov or in small villages. For example, three families of conservatives who came to New Zealand, formerly lived in the village, which consisted of 100 families. Another family lived in the settlement, consisting of 17 yards. Summer conservatives usually grazed livestock, apiculture engaged winter hunted hunting in the woods.
After the revolution incometaxindia gov of 1949, China started to exert pressure on the Russian, which led to their mass exodus in 1954-1956. Since 1952 moved to foreign countries about 1.5 thousand conservatives. 1.1 thousand of them joined one of the two communities of Old Believers in Brazil. Others found refuge in the United States and Australia. After the 1956 flood of refugees has almost stopped. Exit visas are no longer issued, and the position of those who have remained in China, it became increasingly difficult. It was the Cold War, and the one who declared his desire to go to capitalist countries, subjected to political incometaxindia gov persecution. Several incometaxindia gov Old Believers thus were imprisoned, and one was stabbed to death in his own home by Chinese soldiers. incometaxindia gov However, others continued to live relatively well, jointly managing the property and carefully tending their farms and gardens. But in 1961, their farms were confiscated by the Chinese government. Livestock was seized without compensation. Those who had more than 20 million yuan, were announced incometaxindia gov by the rich and deprived of all funds. One of the visitors to New Zealand Old Believers, Luke Chipizubov, which China had been very, told how of twelve cows and a few horses of his extended family were left only the cow but the horse [4]. Life becomes a battle for survival, incometaxindia gov and conservatives realized that their only hope of salvation is connected with the departure of the British in Hong Kong, where they could continue to find refuge in South and North America as well as Australia and New Zealand, suitable for conducting of agriculture.
By 1961 in northern China are still living, according to various sources, about 17 thousand Russian. incometaxindia gov Their situation was extremely unflattering. The Chinese tried to send them in the first place, home. But many of them left Russia as political, religious and social refugees, and therefore had no desire to go back there. Most foreign countries have had their problems with the alignment of diplomatic relations with China, and to a group of Russian, caught in the cross fire of ideological, nobody cared. Only the WCC and UNHCR constantly reminded governments of the plight of Russian refugees. incometaxindia gov
Of 22,656 incometaxindia gov Russian recorded in the first All-China Census 1953, after ten years, according to the second census in 1964, their number was only 1326 people. [5] This number is likely to and remaining in Xinjiang were conservatives. So, in 1964, before they suddenly heard about that resolution

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