Friday, March 28, 2014

Pocket Pet: paid two million dollars for a dog

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Wow 35 years of peace releasing murderers
Ynet Published: 01.31.14, 12:31
The study suggests that diseases resulting from alcohol consumption increased driving deaths of 25% of Russian men before the age of 55, while for example the UK this percentage stands at only 7. Alcohol is behind the deadly liver diseases and causes fights statcan and accidents which have found many men died.
This is the widest research statcan done so far in that it allegiance researchers Moscow Cancer Research Center, University of Oxford in the UK and the World Health Organization in France. The study encompassed 151 thousand adults in three cities in Russia for a decade. During this period, 8,000 of them died.
Studies involved a family of 49 thousand people died revealed statcan their alcohol consumption habits. One of the researchers explained that "mortality rates in Russia recorded high fluctuations in recent statcan years. Primary factor that explains them is the level of consumption of vodka."
For example, during the communist regime brought alcohol to a quarter of all deaths. With the collapse of the regime, people began to consume alcohol only in growing - and increased death rates. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev instituted a policy of reduction in the production of vodka and even prohibited to sell it before noon.
The investigator explained that it is customary to think that the Russians often drink in view of the extreme cold country, "but it's just an excuse." British researcher explained that during the tenure of President Boris Yeltsin doubled death rates of young men - after changing the policy instituted by Gorbachev in the context of alcohol. Death rates also varied according to women, but alcohol consumption among them is significantly lower.
Half a liter of vodka costs Russia about 150 rubles are three pounds. Heavy drinkers in the study consumed at least half a liter of vodka a week. In 2011 drank an average statcan of Rossi graduated 13 liters of alcohol per year. Contrast, the UK, the average drinking statcan 10 liters a year, but Russians tend consume alcohol, refined, while British tend to consume only two liters that their annual average.
The researchers believe statcan that the key problem that causes high death rates, is the way the Russians consume their liquor. Professor David Zridz Russian Research Center explained that "They were rejoicing drinking, this major problem. Patterns of drinking to their detriment, not the amount they consume. These habits must change. Tax policy can help, but education can help."
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Pocket Pet: paid two million dollars for a dog
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