Russian crisis also hit exports from Finland
Kind Manela 9:11:13, 08:04
Vernon phoenix population Maynard, retired from California, earlier this week celebrated the hundredth birthday, he noted skydiving carried out the first time. Maynard's story gained worldwide media coverage, but in the future, may be that such a story would not seem so special, simply because it would not be uncommon phoenix population to live to be a hundred. Almost anyone personally know someone who lives beyond the age of 90. Israeli President Shimon Peres, has been found his tenth decade. Life expectancy is steadily increasing in recent years and is today Israel 81.76, when in the last 30 years is increased by ten years.
Read more Calcalist: 120: Ten countries where life expectancy is the highest life expectancy rises: more nursing homes, much more expensive world belongs to seniors considering retirement age in Israel is 62 for women and 67 for men, the meaning of live to be a hundred phoenix population years is Many of the retired life. Economic future planning phoenix population and preparation for long life become critical. What can be done every decade until retirement to prepare to live to be a hundred? Ages 20 to 30
In this decade, when starting your adult life, it's time to focus on studies, vocational training or university degree, to establish the beginning of a professional career. It usually also when starting to work, either the profession or odd jobs and working conditions secrete part of pension funds. "For young people there are many passages in the important work that is not cash money and keep the continuity insurance," says Lior Burstein, vice president of business development Harel. Recommends periods of transition between jobs to keep the rights to the deposit insurance using the minimum amount required to purchase insurance risks of death and disability. cease absolutely deposits will be lost rights phoenix population purchased., if during the transition between jobs your medical condition worsened due to injury or illness, you can not buy back the same insurance.
Another important thing to note is that the transition between jobs is severance pay. "Financial compensation is not designed to compensate you for leaving the job, they are an integral part of the pension and your future," says Burstein. The recommendation is unequivocal as possible, do not cash the compensation phoenix population money moving between jobs.
Average phoenix population age at which Laptops Israelis, by CBS, is 28 for men and 26 for women. Dr. Orly Redlich, Director "Institute Redlich" financial advice for young couples to families recommends "plan a wedding exciting but at sane." According to her, one can think of a garden wedding guests will also be food and a varied multicultural, or celebrate wedding brunch buffet with rich. "RSVP only guests will also be close and intimate wedding and will be celebrating at a restaurant instead of a banquet hall and save a lot of money," she says.
During that decade, the main issues are children and housing. Redlich recommends the 30s your life to buy a small apartment, three rooms to reduce the cost of housing and mortgage. To prepare for the future she recommends to "keep the family phoenix population budget and redirect phoenix population 10% to 20% of revenues for the benefit of savings." 10% will be allocated to savings in the short term and medium term, five to 10 years ahead, phoenix population and 10% more savings in the long term, 20 to 30 years ahead. NIS 1,000 savings accrue to the amount of NIS 120 thousand in the medium and 360 thousand shekels in the long run. "In many cases, young couples can deprivation more than 1,000 per month and economic significance for the future is enormous," said Redlich. phoenix population
With the birth of children is recommended to open a savings plan for them. Can ask grandparents phoenix population develop a savings plan for children for academic studies, said Redlich. She says all 150 shekels of saving the child from birth will ensure full funding undergraduate. In addition, it recommends to separate savings plan for each child in favor of celebrating the bar or bat mitzvah. "Basic Savings 100 per month will ensure funding of 20 thousand shekels per child. Those who continue to save for children the same NIS 100 after age 13 could help them finance a driver's license or a trip to Poland."
While having children and family should also think about matching in health insurance coverage, life insurance and PHI, says Burstein. When a man in his thirties and married with children, Burstein recommend to worry about life insurance. "In case of death caused by loss of income, and should make sure to have appropriate insurance coverage until children are older," he explains. phoenix population
Fifth decade of life most people advanced career income children are grown and mature. "It's time to think about switching to a larger apartment, but understand that this is a big investment and prepare accordingly," said Redlich. You should also check and map the pension rights and your assets. If income grows recommended these ages to explore the possibility of increasing their pension savings.
In addition, Burstein recommend to adjust the income level of insurance coverage. "If you earn more money you should increase your coverage phoenix population because the family is already accustomed to a certain standard of living," he explains. It's also the time and can allocate a certain percentage of the savings would continue to support the children, wedding or study purposes.
"It's time to stop and think along with the couple and plan current and future expenses, map the assets and coordinating expectations," says Burstein. He says it's time to examine the savings, educational fund, pension savings and deposits with banks and think about how the future will look like.
Redlich recommends to assess the situation for 30 years. Ask yourself what you can maintain the standard of living? phoenix population What are the options of income in the event of dismissal and whether to prepare an alternative plan to another job or another. Pension savings, if it's not enough, it is recommended to turn 75% of the money available for the benefit of increasing pension phoenix population contributions.
Seventh decade of life was the decade when most people are retiring. So, it's time to plan for retirement and scheduling phoenix population realization of the assets accumulated to date, says Burstein. For example, if you have Throne
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