SI-STAT database current world population on one site contains links to all statistical data. Statistical Databank contains predefined standard tables and offers the possibility of individual preparation of tables.
On earth is born annually around 130 million children, which means that a woman of childbearing age born on average 2.6 children. In Slovenia, born in 2011, close to 22,000 current world population children, current world population which means that a woman of childbearing age gave birth to an average of 1.56 children.
In 1989 the United Nations declared July 11 World Population Day. This year is a day dedicated to universal access to reproductive health, which is one of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. UNFPA Reproductive health is key to a world where every pregnancy is wanted, current world population every birth is safe, every young person's potential is fulfilled, however.
Reproductive health is, by definition, the World Health Organization state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, relating to the reproductive system, and not merely the absence of disease and helplessness. Reproductive health implies satisfying and safe sex life, freedom of choice to have children, equal access to information on family planning, health current world population services, providing women a safe pregnancy and childbirth, and effective prevention and early detection of diseases that cause premature morbidity and mortality.
On earth is born annually current world population around 130 million children, current world population which means that a woman of childbearing age born on average 2.6 children. In Slovenia, born in 2011, close to 22,000 children, which means that a woman of childbearing age gave birth to an average of 1.56 children.
Approximately current world population 222 million women in developing countries do not want to become pregnant or. wants to plan a pregnancy, but lack access to effective modern methods of preventing pregnancy. If it was appropriate contraceptive current world population methods available to these women, the number of unwanted pregnancies decreased by 53 million each year in relation to pregnancy and childbirth deaths of 100,000 current world population women less.
In Slovenia contraceptives available as part of the compulsory health insurance under the health care of women. In 2010, according current world population to the Institute of Public Health (IPH) is about 130,000 users of oral and intrauterinskih means of preventing pregnancy, easily accessible, there are also other modern contraceptives.
Even the paid parental leave helps to facilitate decision-making on the birth of a child. In Slovenia, the mother entitled to three months maternity leave, mother and father can benefit from a nine-month leave to care and child care. The world has been on parental leave major differences: in Tunisia, long maternity leave of 30 days, maternity benefit is equal to two-thirds of the salary in the Czech Republic belongs to the mother seven months of maternity leave and both parents together up to four years of parental leave in Sweden parental leave debt of 16 months, at least two months must take advantage of "other" parent, usually the father, in Papua New Guinea, current world population the mother belongs to 12 weeks of unpaid current world population maternity leave.
At the global level, the problems related to reproductive health current world population a major cause of morbidity and death for women of childbearing age. Each year due to causes related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period (ie. Maternal mortality), 287,000 women die.
The main causes of maternal deaths, such as bleeding, infection, abortion, high blood pressure and stopped delivery is to a large extent be prevented or treated with proper care and medication. Therefore, the most maternal deaths among the young and poor women in poor social situation, who do not have access to basic health care.
More than 300 million women live with the consequences of complications during pregnancy or childbirth each year to join the new 10-15 million. Every seventh woman experienced in childbirth life-threatening complications, a large proportion of women does not even have basic health care, which would have saved his life and ensure the survival of their newborns. For every 100,000 live births worldwide die annually around 200 mothers. current world population
In Slovenia, according to the Institute of Public Health in 2004-2008 recorded 11 maternal deaths, or 11.4 per 100,000 live births; maternal death is therefore a rare phenomenon. Over the past decade current world population dominated difficult preventable, Late maternal deaths are largely dependent on the awareness and socio-economic status of women and access to health care.
In developing countries, nearly current world population half of women give birth without the presence of a nurse, midwife or doctor. In 2010, Slovenia current world population 99.9% of all live births were born in a health facility (0.1% were born at home).
In developing countries, according to the United Nations carried out each year 19 million abortions (of which three million women, aged 15-19 years), the consequences of which kill 47,000 women, millions of them have later due to complications of abortion, a health
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