Sunday, November 9, 2014

According to Eurostat data for 2006 can be boys, born in 2006, ten EU Member States expect lol stat

SI-STAT database on one site contains links to all statistical data. Statistical Databank contains predefined standard tables and offers the possibility lol statistics of individual preparation of tables.
Among the inhabitants of Slovenia is 16.4% of persons aged 65 years or more (and not 19% as was erroneously published on 30 9th 2009). lol statistics Among people aged 55-65 years in our employees close to 33% or 13% less than the average lol statistics in the EU-27.
In 1991, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations lol statistics Principles lol statistics for the elderly, in 2002, at the Second World Assembly on Ageing, the International Plan of Action on Ageing. It wanted to promote the development of a society for all ages and to promote a new culture of aging and thus contribute to a more human and brightens the appearance lol statistics of age in the 21st century. The slogan of this year's International Day of Older Persons, the nineteenth in a row, the "Active aging: a general way to create a society for all ages".
Due to the steady decrease in birth rates and longer life expectancy in recent decades, it varies greatly lol statistics depending on the age structure lol statistics of the population - the population of the world is getting older. The process of aging is started first in more developed parts of the world. According to UN estimates the 1950 average age inhabitant of our planet 23.6 years; the oldest were Europeans, then, were an average age of 29 years old, the youngest was the population of Africa, their average age at the time was under 20 years of age. In 2000 the world population was 26.5 years old on average, Europeans almost 38 years, the average lol statistics age of Africans, due to high mortality rates due to diseases like. AIDS declined and has even fallen to 18.4 years. Today, the average age of the world's population 29 years of age. By 2050, according to projections of the UN average age worldwide is likely to reach 38 years, but the differences between the various regions.
The oldest age group consists of persons who have reached the age of 80 years and more. This age group is increased annually by 3.8%, accounting for over a tenth (11%) in the number of older people in the world. By the mid-21st century is expected to have a fifth of all older people reaching the age of 80 years or more. The number of centenarians - those were in 1999 about 145,000 - will be in 2050 increased by 15-fold, to 2.2 million. In other words, the proportion of people aged over 60 years, which now comprises slightly less than 11% of the 6.9 billion world population (739 million lol statistics in 2009), the 2050 projected to increase to 22% respectively. and is expected lol statistics to be 2 billion (when the projected population of just over 9 billion). Almost every tenth person will then star for more than 80 years. If the birth rate continues to decline, by 2050 the world for the first time in history more older people than children.
Population in the EU-27 will be in the future is projected strong aging of populations: The median age of the population lol statistics from 2008 to 2060 is projected to rise from 40.4 years to 47.9 years. The proportion of people lol statistics aged 65 and over between the total population is expected to have risen from 17.1% to 30.0%, which means that the number of old people as much from 2008 to 2060 is expected to increase from 84.6 million to 151.5 million. Similarly, the number of people aged 80 years or over the period from 2008 to 2060 is expected to triple, lol statistics namely to grow from 21.8 million to 61.4 million.
Young age dependency ratio (which shows how many people under the age of 15 years is dependent on 100 working-age population) will be for the EU-27 by 2060 is projected to moderate increased from 23.3% to 25.0% while the old age dependency ratio (which shows how many people aged 65 years or more, are dependent on 100 working age) is expected to increase significantly in 2060, and this is from 25.4% to 53.5%.
One of the causes of population aging in Europe is still a long life; This applies to all Member States, except that the average life expectancy lol statistics extends with varying degrees of intensity. Life expectancy at birth is an indicator that shows how many years the average life of a newborn child can be expected assuming that since observations on mortality regardless of age remained unchanged. The value of this indicator in Europe intensified rises in the south (Spain, Greece, Cyprus), and the northern countries (Sweden, Finland), while in the east (Romania lol statistics and Bulgaria) lol statistics and the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia) and less intensive .
According to Eurostat data for 2006 can be boys, born in 2006, ten EU Member States expect lol statistics to survive to the age of 77, a girl born the same year as you can in twelve EU Member States expect to live 82 years. In seven EU Member States, lol statistics life expectancy for men was less than 70 years in nine countries, life expectancy for women is shorter

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