Friday, November 28, 2014

All these operations were perfectly legal at that time, because even then Romanian population of ny

Asked in an interview with the TV show if found Capital Currency Ceausescu, Governor Mugur Isarescu said that he paid the debt of Romania using NBR reserves. What is now the central bank reserves and that was it before the Revolution? According population of nyc to data from the World Bank, the total reserves of Romania population of nyc in 1985 had a value of $ 1.4 billion, a figure which increased annually for 1989 to rise to the level of $ 2.7 billion.
In early 2000, international reserves of the National Bank of Romania (foreign currencies and gold) stood at over 2.6 billion, and earlier this year (January 2011), according to the latest release of the central bank, they were 35.947 million euros, to 35.950 million at 31 December 2010.
"I made a few months after almost a full investigation and research here things were clarified. Part of Romania's population of nyc foreign debt was paid by selling population of nyc a quantity of gold, so its true that brought here from the National Bank, part of the treasure of gold to sell abroad, foreign debt paid. The gold fell from 100 tons to 40 tons, then, in late 1989, he bought 20 tons of gold.
All these operations were perfectly legal at that time, because even then Romanian population of nyc President Nicolae Ceausescu, signed decrees and removal and sale of gold and a quantity of gold buyback. So, to clarify a mystery, because it was said that when he went to Iran would be left with several boxes with gold.
But someone came here and told us how he had seen x-ulescu how they threw boxes and then I put a very simple question: how? A gold bar is raised very hard, that is 12 kg, but a box that? You must be a weightlifter population of nyc to lift. I realized they were fables "said Isarescu, Capital TV during the show.
'In 1988 and 1989 sold some of the gold reserves of Romania, again, in legal terms the then foreign debt was paid and then, after the foreign debt was paid, they bought, they brought back 20 tons of gold. When I took this institution, indeed, the first visit that I made was in treasury, was the only tangible reserves, foreign exchange reserves was the former Bancorex. I found that there were 60 tons, and one of the concerns that we had was to increase the reserve until we exceeded 100 tons, "he added NBR.
If you had the feeling that money from reserves National Bank of Romania is placed somewhere in a basement of the building in the capital, then you're wrong. Lucian Croitoru explained in the first edition of Capital TV show means and where it is stored NBR Treasury.
Thus, Lucian Croitoru explained that the money he has retired National Bank of Romania, the amount of the order of tens of billions are sent abroad or placed in loans to other governments or government agencies. They are not in a bag but are put in places that can make a higher profit.
In the case of gold, some of it is really "cellars" institution, but mostly abroad is because gold gives credibility unless it is to you.
Why was the revolution staged by the KGB and gold hunters security, military and PCR? They knew what would follow if it is taken down Ceausescu and communism, knew what to steal, know who will provide them behind. Now they are billionaires Romania top 300. If you are wondering what former Securitate, get the answer: are businessmen. Where had the money and information? DINBANCI looting the money, wealth TRADE: UGSR WEALTH WEALTH PCR UTC. WEALTH NBR. ALL WEALTH ICE. And everything that could spoil. Reply Delete
if you are taking acsa night hoyel closed chamber, a pen, a sheet of paper and 2:00 to say where the money is deposited in the country, tax havens, if it says gets a bullet in the mouth, and to see that 2 hours we have 5 billion, all of our money stolen wages and pensions, each novel loses monthly pension worth 200 lei of money stolen from the simple Roman state. Reply Delete
Money large accounts politicians and businessmen made after the revolution. Where cardboard billionaires appeared like mushrooms revolution. In particular revolution slurry created and endless billions of dollars melted transition of the Romanian state. Reply Delete
Mason asked BNR Governor Isarescu forgotten there by God and people. Where is the money BANCOREX, UGSR, PCR, UTC? At present tycoons and oligarchs that was stuck after the coup Rou 1989. Reply Delete

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