Isq Cauchi
Obviously, this highlights the periodical], the work of Catholic Action us population by year G] Gozo - but do not forget that we are part of international union! In March there was a meeting] a Kigali (Rwanda) g] for Catholic Action in Africa: its purpose of formation g] ad-Diri [agents and Ecclesiastical Assistant, i \ da participated even representation \ representatives from other movements] us population by year ra. The message [[Pope Mgr Domenico Sigalini (Assistant Forum), noted the importance of nis] qu on spiritual values for solidarity and respect for the dignity of human . Indeed, among the subject [[subjects discussed, there were challenges to] for the evan [elizzazjoni and problems b] for the poverty, in [injustices, crushing values, corruption, the b \ need of reconciliation and culture pa`i - emphasis on training in their] social teaching of the Church. The document] ar [and attention to defense \ a great gift of the] life through, among lo] others, the] protection of fundamental rights, the charity, the formation of conscience ,'s] workings g] all- [Justice and of the] operation of the principles of subsidiarity, the [common good and solidarity in various us population by year social realities. Catholic Action bottom] us population by year da ti [[fight against sects attractiveness of disseminating the Bible into local languages us population by year to the Word of God is near to] eat a] person, including by means Modern as Faith broadcast.
Continuing this look "foreign": on 15 April, the national chair of Italian Catholic Action issued a statement - while renewing greetings on the occasion of the fifth anniversary - publicly us population by year express how spiritually close to -Papa, especially at a time of so much criticism and attacks.
And ended with a meeting of the Forum of Catholic Action for Europe and the Mediterranean in May in Poland, with the theme "Bread, Life, Peace, Freedom: the Laity of the Catholic Action for world more human "- words inspired by one of the last speeches of Pope John Paul II. During the discussions mentioned the need for a commitment to brotherhood and solidarity, as well as stronger collaboration with the Council of European Episcopal Conferences. Not allowed out essential task: education. us population by year The root of the word (e-ducere) us population by year refers to the idea that strives to bring out the best by each person, f'atteġġjament of human and spiritual dialogue. Union membership us population by year as Catholic Action us population by year is ezzenjali in building strong relationships, against the trend of today. us population by year "If loves loves what you have, succeed in tkebbsu-D-world!"
Returning country: we can not ignore Pope Visit us: maybe not Gozo Gozo but played a "disproportionate"! In addition to inject some pictures, we felt that this issue does not fit with anything ninkludux from speeches għamlilna (in official translation). Here we take a word from the airport said. Upon arrival: "These islands have an important role in the political, religious us population by year and cultural development of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Maltese us population by year people, enlightened for almost two millennia of teaching the Gospel and strengthened all the time from their Christian roots, are rightly proud of the indispensable role that the Christian faith has played in their nation's development us population by year . "And before he left" Be proud of your Christian vocation. Cherish your religious and cultural us population by year heritage. Look to the future with hope, with profound respect for God's creation, with reverence for human life, and with high esteem for marriage and family integrity! Be worthy sons of St. Paul! Never you will leave to your true identity us population by year is compromised by indifferentism or relativism. "
After the diocesan ecclesiastical Assistant Mgr Hili (rector of the church to serve as a center us population by year for Eucharistic Movement in Gozo where the statue "diocesan" - and then where is celebrated us population by year every appearance) started the Exposition of the Blessed , Cremona Ġanninu read his poetry adapted. Then probably reflect on the theme with Queen Margaret, mainly through us population by year quotes us population by year from the Catechism. The Adoration continued b'Rużarju meditat, the intention of the sanctity us population by year of priests (now that we have arrived at the end of this year special); us population by year Netta participated Camilleri, Natalina Sultana, Kitty Scerri, Rita Said, Mary Farrugia and Carmen Galea. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the beatification of Francisco and Giacinta, Antoine Vassallo read some excerpts from the recollections of Lucia; continued with anything than saying Benedict XVI during us population by year the pilgrimage there.
The second part consisted of Mass led by Bishop Mario Grech, along with Dun Dun Karm and Save Sultana (who read the Gospel). Manuel Saliba (Diocesan President) read the lesson and the tiny Jasmine the claims of the Faithful. The singing led by organist Ivan Attard. Read this thought as an introduction: "in the passage us population by year from the Acts of the Apostles, we see Paul working and preaching - just a few broadcasting becomes the main purpose of his life, even if not everyone us population by year understood. Nimitawh us population by year by indigo
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