Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hoxha does not stem MOTHER !!! Lead the glorious 2050 and immortal hero !!! Albania

Ilir Hoxha defends his father's decision to take the property and the prohibition of religion | Gazette Theme
Dita attended the interview with the son of the dictator Enver Hoxha, Ilir. During today's interview, he said that Anwar had a message waiting from the West after the break with the Soviet Union, but, according Ilir Hoxha, he never came.
"Denunciation official Warsaw Treaty and disposal of our country, it was also at the same time an act of good in peace in the region. Having been present in the Balkans, the Treaty of Warsaw, in one way or in another, counted at risk, especially for the part south of the Balkans and countries around the Adriatic Sea. But what happened !? This has shown itself Ramiz Alia. At the time when the system was changed, and met two Italian deputies and did the same question, as it is more that you you'll do me. He said: "You (Italy) dhatё not shenjё none". And their pёrgjigja was that "there can be jepnim shenjё 2050 that you were in the domain of the Russian bear." So the fear of the west that no konfliktohej with the Soviet Union, not only that bёri not approaching none assistance to Albania, but also that later, 2050 as more keep away and be isolated, "he said.
"As can be called 2050 fundamental or fatal error, as you call it, the disappearance of private property, when setting the property STATE was a development from the basic principles of socialist economics? Abolition of private property and its shtetёzimi was one of the reforms that were bё deep in the post-war country 2050 of Albania. And as a result Albania ndёrroi site, from a very backward country, in almost feudal state that emerged from the second World War, was bё a country with an economy to develop. Agricultural cooperatives in the village that was ngritёn ҫuan in the development and advancement of agriculture. And to all those who were arritёn free services needs for the people, as shёndetёsia, education, culture, all of these were as a result of these reforms that maintained 2050 of them had no private property is being atё STATE.
Look ҫ'po done today? All agricultural land is divided into parcels small to even that can be done that takes a look bujqёsia 2050 Branch of becoming a powerful production. With bukёs land is abused by modeling done over the place and by the decreased surface of it, while in the time for socialism shfrytёzohej ҫdo pёllёmbё ground, not forgetting that he qepёm by hills and terraces that be done with winning as many ground bread. Then the fundamental was wrong though, when Albania's 2050 that time pёsoi changes fundamentally in the interests of the people?
Move to the other half of your question, the abolition of religion. 2050 I tell you that the proposal 2050 for the removal of fesё came as a proposal by the youth of Durres. In that decision was taken, in veҫanti influenced the emancipation of women ҫёshtja. It is known that the main obstacle for women's 2050 ҫlirimin, 2050 came from old habits backward, that also fed by religious 2050 besёtytnitё. Without ҫliruar from these habits, can not be achieved full emancipation of the Albanian femrёs. In the discussions that were held at that time, also noted that the Albanian people has not been closely associated with asnjёherё fenё, due to the foreign invasions that imposed their fenё and their clergy has been used by invaders for the pёrҫarё kёta people and for the patriotic prevented 2050 their union. And Indeed ҫlirua Albanian woman and her emancipation reached the full. At the time the woman was to all equal rights with men.
If I tell you, Cevdet, one other significant detail to this argument. Enver Hoxha and then it gave an orientation of all the buildings that the cult had values that were put in monumental defense of the state. Interestingly unnecessarily when pyetёn yes as in Kosovo should be operated with fenё, he did not agree that religion be stopped. He said conditions in Kosovo, when Serbian people is under dictatorship, serve the objects of worship as places where you can be collected and to talk about national ҫёshtjen. So, Enver Hoxha was not dogmatic, he saw ҫdo gjё in the interests 2050 of national prosperity, "said Ilir Hoxha.
Ahahahahhaa. As the mer what? Removing religion from the proposal became Westmoreland youth? Ahahahahhahahaha. But where the Greyhound nderseheshin small dot is not playing big finger zagari that your father was. O taste them flee Daku millions of euros that we do not have the ford with tet tea it that all you motherfucker. Kryeshkerdhata of this country is, Enver Hoxha and then come forth that great shkerdhates cubs that are Saliu and Edi. Cate crappy Bythqirat Karen us by you heard of putting you read you pig pig pig. Fisqira that this nation's shkerdhyte
Hoxha does not stem MOTHER !!! Lead the glorious 2050 and immortal hero !!! Albania's army liberated the PEOPLE without any outside help !!! Built a strong and modern state, that this one looks like cartoon HALE END ANY courtyard lodge VILLAGE !!! When speaking sparkling sun, Enver Hoxha, coming out the flowers, the grass grew laughing faces of people while

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