Tuesday, February 4, 2014

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ESTABLISHING a new movement aiming to encourage Maltese jiskomunikaw isad themselves from the Catholic Church. This is to dissociate themselves from the behavior of the Catholic Church. During a press conference held Saturday morning before the Archbishop's Curia, the three speakers Movement "Not on our behalf" - Reuben isad Zammit, Andrew Galea and Daniel Schembri - explained isad how the behavior of the Church Catholic during the divorce referendum campaign on 28 May 2011 was the last chance. "The last episode in this list is nothing other than the use of tactics moqżieża during the referendum campaign on the introduction of divorce law", said Andrew Galea. Accused the Catholic Church during the crusade has, "took advantage of elderly isad and poor people, and nisġet web of fear among its members in general." Explain how the Church "accused its members isad to be immoral if they vote 'yes' to heddithom civil law and deprives them of the sacraments that are considered essential for their spiritual life." "Discriminated against by Deborah Schembri stopped it from practicing in the court Ekkeżjastika attempt to tagħlqilha mouth," said the spokesman of this movement. isad Also condemned the removal of the sick from the church to the polling place "even though the law clearly states that one can not influence people during polling day." "Considering all feel that we can not knock these actions, and therefore confess that remain do not want part of that percentage of the population considered as a Catholic," insisted the spokesman of the Movement. Explain how this more and more where this percentage "is quoted with some enthusiasm to advance the political objectives of the Catholic Church". Attard challenged the assertion often made that 98 per cent of Maltese are Catholic, isad said with so much vigor as well from the Church and Government. Moreover, the movement is also challenging the association between some try to make the Catholic faith and the Maltese isad identity. "As citizens, assert our right that we Maltese though we are not Catholic - it's time to citizens who are not Catholics no longer feel represented by the institutions of the country, or victimized because of the stigma society ", said Attard. "We hope that by niskomunikaw ourselves and we do not remain part of the record of the Catholic Church, we, we appeal to all those who share with us this desire for a secular and inclusive. Demonizzjoni State to recognize all religious as equals and as separate him ", said Attard. The spokesman of the Movement isad explained under Maltese law, insult against the Catholic religion brings fines than to insult another religion like Islam. "So are We call on all those who understand the need of secularism and religious freedom to jaġitaw to change, to open dialogue through which lead to the replacement of Article 2 of the Constitution which states that the that the state religion is Catholic, "called Attard. Explain how this leads to the breaking of the "unfair privileges to the Catholic Church enjoys in the field of education, law, politics and culture, not worth for anything except to alienate people who do not follow the Catholic dogma. " So far there are six people who are seriously considering jiskomunikaw themselves from the Catholic Church. This has about a hundred members on the facebook group set up for this purpose. This is not the first time that there were people attempt to publicly jiskomunikaw themselves from the Catholic Church. In 2009, two leading gay activists, Patrick Attard and Lana Turner were skomunikaw themselves in protest against the Catholic Church's position against homosexuality.
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