Monday, February 10, 2014

SATs Geography, resolved

Home Program, Quizzes Geography Selectivity (PAEG-PAU) over 25 años.Geografía Videos Population, Urban, etc.. Physical Geography Slideshow Presentations (ppt, documents ...) EXERCISES: POPULATION PYRAMIDS.
Up to the age group of 40-50 years is a progressive reduction of people but irregularly, not gradually, resulting in the birth policy. and lead to aging. From those with 55 or more pyramid reflects a "more normal" situation.
The one-child policy is present in China since the late 70s and prohibited from having more than one child per couple exceptions (having a sanctioned is daughter if male), in some cases this exception may be "permitted" if you belong to an ethnic minority, you peasant, you have an only child, you're divorced, etc..
Among the consequences of disobeying the law of one child is jail obligation to abort, fines are based on income (which in many cases exceed 6000). Many of the children "will have a hidden" which is in most cases to keep them illegal.
Currently in China there are over 100 million only children. This causes an imbalance between the sexes (more men than women) and also an alarming aging population will bring social consequences Who will care for the parents? There will be enough young to sustain double bar graph a society that is aging way? Population Pyramid of China in 2012 China Population Pyramid in 2012 and future trends in China's urban population exceeds rural anti-natalist policy in China Chart Birth and mortality double bar graph data in China for the population pyramid of China's anti-birth policy forty Years after
SATs Geography, resolved
Rivers overflow and December 9 to January 10
Ciudad Real. Climatology (9) Ciudad Real. Geomorphology-Relief. (31) Ciudad Real. Hydrography (33) Ciudad Real. Environment (25) Ciudad Real. Population (16) Ciudad Real. S. Primary. Agraria (8) Ciudad Real. S. Secondary: Industry ... (9) Ciudad Real. S. Tertiary (services) (7) Ciudad Real. Urbana (24) Climatology (164) Courses and Conferences (5) Teaching Geography (15) Economy (25) Geomorphology-Relief (100) Geomorphology-Relief. Castilla La Mancha. (11) G ª Urbana (80) G ª Urbana. Castilla La Mancha (4) Hydrography (78) Geographical Itineraries and excursions (16) Maps - Cartography (89) over 25 years (1) Environment (137) Environment. Castilla La Mancha (15) Planning. (7) Location (207) Location. Castilla La Mancha (18) S. Primary. Castilla La Mancha (3) S. Primary: Agriculture and rural (48) S. Secondary: Industry and Energy (59) S. Secondary: Industry ... Castilla La Mancha (5) S. Tertiary double bar graph (services) (45) Selectivity (38) Urban Tribes (12) EU / EEC (European Union) (15) Miscellaneous (36) Vocabulary (12)
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