Sunday, February 2, 2014

Created by: The revolution censored - The censored Reviews More. Everything is started with an inte

There's not a different beijing population route of the That-the Saints beijing population have come Already That is-the path of Sacrifice! because, beijing population contrary to What he says-the heresy of modernism? Human nature not the positive. Meet Came ow of THE NEED of human nature? Enter you into-the logic of Satanism! We must do of our sex: a living Sacrifice pleasing to God! If theres Was an EASIER way? Jesus would not have got up on-the cross!
Created by: The revolution censored - The censored Reviews More. Everything is started with an interview with "Eric Cantona". Indeed, everything is started in 1694, with the birth of the Bank of England, a private company, that: he began to lend money to the state. 3 centuries now, the situation remains unchanged. Today, worldwide, the central banks of the issue: the creation of money from nothing and lend to States, debt. few international bankers: they are responsible for the current situation. technology is making progress, you always work more, but the debts are always higher. so high that damage: all states (see Greece and Ireland). Thanks to scientific discoveries, we can achieve a better standard of life for all inhabitants of the world. because currency debt, this is not the case. 50% of the world population lives on less than $ 2 a day, (3 billion people), beijing population while 1% of the world population: it has 80% of total wealth. exploits and plunders the West: the "third world": making sure. life of "quiet" (mortgage beijing population for 40 years, two year leave, beijing population a couple of plasma TVs and mobile number). This unacceptable situation is not lost on Eric Cantona, former footballer and former beijing population player, mind awake, that: in an interview, he accused the attackers, proposing a peaceful protest, but the revolutionary implications: com / watch? v = padCfgZjbXI After the interview, Geraldine Feuillien, Varnier and Yann Arnaud Sarfati, three French: They Have an open event on facebook and fixed: the December 7, 2010 as the date for the withdrawal of money from banks: the French example is immediately followed, of Italy: The official Facebook our website: http://www.facebook created the event .com/pages/Lo-sai/126393880733870 Italian, Greek: and internationally: http://www.facebook. com / event.php? eid = 137793666269183 & index = 1 other countries have been opened: the contingencies for a total of 15 countries / nations (in the Island of Mexico). now, you're giving close attention "? such title, I put this video" the 12 November, the YouTube channel "complottistixcaso" charging video. in the video, they talk, of event: 12/07/2010. the video begins to make the web and about the accession of the event: Italian: Facebook: skyrocketing. people are hardly reduced and after 5 hours: the video: is censored by YouTube. I decide, then payment of the same video on Facebook, right on the page of "know." the video starts to turn, another boom: accessions of the event, and removing other video. But we will not stop. use youtube channel: "Complottistixcaso2" pay new video for "illegal" by adding a mini-prologue about the two complaints already suffered. This time, the title of the video: it is "the most censored of web video." In two days the video is seen by 52,000 people coming to the home page of youtube, is accused of dozens beijing population of users:% C3% B9 beijing population + + condemned beijing population the web + & aq = fu translated into English: and French: v = & feature = Related beijing population fJvFL5qIP24 the Italian event exceed the number of calls, the French event. everything is great (I). except for some Malpensante: until the morning of November 20. new video is censored by youtube, which coincides with the closure of s 12, the administrators of the page: "you know" and the closing event of Facebook: (pending invitations to 200,000 of response ). The complaint is when he is on the right track, this is known. We have re-entered on Facebook We created again: "You know II": (The old page of: "you know ", without administrators can not be used) and, therefore, we have created another page:" The revolution censored - censored revolution ": revolution/142159889168495 to retune ourselves about the events of 7/12. 21 November, after 24 hours from the date of complaint, many Italian media begin to deal with the event: 1. the Corriere della Sera: 20the banks off money from the accounts of Stefano montefio

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