Saturday, February 8, 2014

Twitter Updates It is better to give than receive ... via @ laopi

Someday will leak in the RAE dictionary, so do not know whether or turned into liq, or lic, even though there are already words "flight", "leak" or "escape". Enter because Spanish is threatened by the Catalan or Galician, but not by the English, and the excuse to enter will liq / lic mean filtering or journalistic revelation of something we already knew everyone, but so far, those who said took a blanket to put sticks or was considered a radical, depending on the site. The last liqs / lics (or is lichen?) Is Chinaleaks, and about the great news that a number of relatives of the Chinese rulers who have secret bank accounts in tax havens, particularly population of edmonton in the Caribbean.
Specifically, according to the International Consortium for Research Journalists (ICIJ), 22,000 Chinese have accounts idem opaque sites, and 13 of them are-laws, nephews and other family of politicians, tycoons and 16 are private. But not everyone have one. For example, in the British Virgin Islands, a group of 40 islands of which only a quarter are populated by a total of 27,000 inhabitants, are domiciled one million accounts, and 400,000 of them are Chinese. The Chinese account for 10,000 island and 15 accounts per capita. This system of having a communist and capitalist at the same time not be crazy, as in the case of the song Antonio Machine, but have the best of both worlds. The opportunity to become rich and capitalism the workers mandadiƱos of communism, population of edmonton with the added advantages of not having to worry about things like social benefits, environmental impact, etc..
However this bargain, it is clear that this species would proliferate common to capitalism and communism: the enchufismo or who you come to be. A bank report in 2006 claimed that less than 1% of the total Chinese population had more than 70% of the wealth population of edmonton of the nation, while in most developed nations, 5% of households own about 60% of total wealth. In the United States, to add 70% of the wealth of the country must join the 10% of the population. Do not tell me it has no merit, because in Europe or in the United States many had the great advantage of having the wealth inherited from the British royal family (the Real, the Elisabeth II), to the Rockefeller, but in China, the amasaron fortunes that left from zero is nothing. His case was, as they say in Mexico, I do not want to give me, but I put it where there.
The same method was the Mexican people like Miguel Blesa or the mayor of Burgos, Javier Lacalle. Blesa was a farm inspector friend Aznar when put general manager of Caja Madrid. Everyone knew and no one said to the institution that led to ruin. Javier Lacalle is a man who came to the mayor of a city of 180,000 inhabitants to 44 years without ever having a real job outside of politics (or his wife either), which did not prevent apartment living valued at half a million euros. That that success population of edmonton is a matter of the opportunities is absolutely false. Thrives more when there is impunity.
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Twitter Updates It is better to give than receive ... via @ laopinioncoruna 2 hours ago RT @ enimaxes: It looked if there were videos of the fall it to dump goods enpalabras @ y @ empieza the sonar sihomesi / alacarta / video ... 3 days ago RT @ OltraDe: @ sihomesi Rivasbarrs @ @ @ RevistaLuzes felicianolopezh Installed it perish in the paper, but I convinced habeis. "PARENTS portable ... 3 days ago In the presentation of the X Prize Couso edition of Press Freedom in Libreria Sargadelos Ferrol 4 days ago Interview with @ @ Rivasbarrs on RevistaLuzes, journalism and other herbs (to date) / knfxx 4 days Follow @ August sihomesi
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