Thursday, February 13, 2014

The son of poltica unique states that families can have a s vstago, but there are many excepcins. T

China birthday :: reviews after thirty years of healthy child poltica single giant hdrocotyle tera today millns 1,700 people, instead of the current 1,335. The measure was supposed to bring income per CPIT, but ALSO imbalance of sexes and trfico bebse wives
The Chinese government yesterday celebrated the 30th anniversary of poltica the "single child", the controversial law that bans most of the families of the blades have a mis vstago but, officials say, served superpoboacin to control the most numerous people of the land.
The official Xinhua agency recalled yesterday that it was on September 25, 1980 when a loop of the Communist Party of China's ordenballes members of that formacine s AFN the Young Communist League who's had a child, a rule then aplicaraa all poboacin national.
According to Comisin of Poboacine Planificacin Family of China, which is responsible for applying this law, China now tera millns 1,700 inhabitants if not put in prctica this standard, instead of 1335 current (second estatsticas the end of 2009).
This contribuu improvement of many social indicators ethnicity examples such as income per CPIT, life expectancy (73 years now), the extension of educacin or diminucin the number of people who live in poverty (250 millns three dcadas, millns 40 at present).
However, recoeceu the Xinhua article, the poltica the "single child" ALSO had negative effects for the blades, as the aging poboacin which led pas hdrocotyle to consider the possibility of raising the age of xubilacin, as discussed nalgns passes West.
Or selective abortions and the abandonment of children by families who prefer to have a man child, which led to other problems, such as the imbalance of the sexes or of trfico bebse wives (nalgns people just because there are women cited preference to have boys and not girls).
ALSO must be mentioned the aplicacin esterilizacins of forced abortions and the couples who violate the law, some localities Chinese, or the fact that poltica is considered somewhat clasista, since the fines to have m more than one child are very high for people of lower class but are driven by the rich, so many of them skip the law.
The blades hdrocotyle trust stabilize wing poboacine even begin to have a negative growth demogrfico by mid case differences, and probably longer before being passed by India as Pasman most populous in the world.
In addition, the media as People's Daily, the official organ of the Communist ethnicity examples Party of him China (CPC), speak openly of treatments or artificial inseminacin adopcin as "realistic options" to address the lack of children.
The son of poltica unique states that families can have a s vstago, but there are many excepcins. They may have a second child, for example, couples in which both the husband and the wife tean irmns, mothers and families of rural tean a girl in the first pregnancy. In addition, families Minor tnicas ethnicity examples as Tibetans, Mongols ethnicity examples and the Uighurs can have up to three children, given the low percentage that these people represent the national total (only 5%). And highly developed areas of pass problems with aging healthy active poboacin like Shanghai or province Cantn, expuxronse in recent years to extend the law.
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