Sunday, April 26, 2015

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The demographic transition theory studies the evolution of the population from the balance between birth and death and sets a series of stages (demographic regimes). population of houston tx The passage from one stage to another depends on the degree of economic, social and cultural development of each country.
The above graph is called demograma and allows us to analyze the evolution of the world population from five phases, although there are differences between developed and developing population of houston tx countries that will see later.
Phase I: old demographic regime. It lasted from antiquity until the mid eighteenth century. Natalitats and high mortality. The population remained stagnant and growth was slow. The average number of children per woman was five, but at the same time the rate of infant mortality was very high during the first year of life and elevated to seven years. Life expectancy was low (4o years), due to epidemics, poor harvests, wars and natural disasters. So called this period of demographic stability.
Phase II: demographic transition. It lasted from the mid-eighteenth to mid-nineteenth century. Mortality falls, due to the improvement in the living conditions of the population (food - Rev. as Industrial, public health -Collection garbage - medical advances - vaccines antisèptiques- practices, improved hygiene - soap ...). While the birth rate remains population of houston tx high and therefore the population grows. So this is known as phase of demographic explosion.
Phase III: demographic adjustment. It lasted from the end of s XIX 1940. Characterized by a fall in the birth rate (due to economic and social) and mortality (improved hygiene, vaccinations ...), entering a growth cycle where the main factor is closed the birth control.
Phase IV: the new demographic regime. Start a half century. population of houston tx XX, but it is very evident towards the 90 zero growth and even negative. Continued aging of the population in most developed economies. Life expectancy population of houston tx is above 80 years.
Phase V: demographic regression. the population is not only stagnant population of houston tx but it comes in a clear regression with negative growth rates, population of houston tx due to the low natalitats, arriving to fall below the mortality.
This process discussed above would be characteristic population of houston tx of developed countries, among which is Spain, Germany, France ... The reasons that can explain this slowdown population are the low mortality (advances in medicine, vaccines, anti mortality children) and declining birth (delay in the age of marriage and motherhood to ensure their children a decent education and care, massive incorporation of women into the labor market ...).
Phase II: demographic transition regime. At the end of the century. XX begins to shoot the population growth as a result of the decline in mortality. This drop is the result of the efforts of the developed population of houston tx world to solve medical health emergencies in the Third World (vaccine supply, population of houston tx building hospitals ...). However, developing countries have begun to develop policies for birth control, so this is starting to fall, although the number of births is still very high since they have a lot of young people.
About Josep Maria Bofarull I teach Geography and History in highschool Forest Camp. My career has developed over the last twenty-five years working population of houston tx in different areas, all related to education and training. population of houston tx One of my passions is the story, and a very special contemporary. I am particularly interested in social movements as instruments population of houston tx of transformation of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, until its culmination in protest movements and globalization in the early twenty-first century.
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0. Introduction: population of houston tx geography and the work of geographer Unit 1: The physical space: the environment Unit 2: States of the world. Unit 3: European Union. Spain and Catalonia. Unit 4. Unit 5. The world population migration phenomena. Unit 6. The population population of houston tx in the EU, Spain and Catalonia. Unit 7. The urban Unit 20: The Environmental Challenge Maps
Europe policy. Europe Africa policy physics physics Africa Asia Asia policy population of houston tx physics South America South America Physical political policy in North America and Central America and Oceania Central Political and physical fitness Recent Comments population of houston tx Archives April 2015 March 2015 February 2015 January 2015 December 2014 November 2014 October 2014 September 2014

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