Monday, April 13, 2015

On the popular new president waiting challenges. There is still a huge housing shortage, many unemp

Since 1990, March is a key month in Namibia. On 21 March 1990 the region, as region population of philippines commissioned by the United Nations by the South African government authority, population of philippines became an independent republic.
This year in March again made history. The Republic of Namibia is a quarter-century population of philippines old. A time of peace and growth in many areas. The third president is designated with a general election and took, with his new parliament and ministers, over from his predecessor on.
The general election in November 2014 Namibia in as steady country, where tranquility reigns good relations and tolerance, introduced to the world. SWAPO (South-West Africa People's Organisation), the election was won by a large majority. SWAPO's support has grown since the last election. This is a performance population of philippines involving other freedom movements (ANC) can not keep up.
March 2015 also announces a new era in for a country with 11 ethnic groups. Ovambo make up about 50% of the total population and are largely population of philippines supporters of SWAPO. Sam Nujoma, the founding for three terms was president and Hifikepunye Pohamba, President for two terms, were both from the Ovambo people. This year Dr Hage Geingob, a Damara, as president the highest government seat over. A new era, widely regarded as a sign of ethnic tolerance. population of philippines It was a great success for the election because Geingob drew 86% of the total votes, more than his predecessors, and more than that the SWAPO party was achieved in this election. population of philippines Geingob is a political veteran who has held various positions in Namibia's administration. He also had a high profile in Namibia's liberation struggle. He was the first Prime Minister of independent Namibia, and again afterwards. After he for a period has retired from politics, he was appointed to the leadership positions. He was also the Vice President of SWAPO when he was nominated as a candidate for the new presidency of Namibia.
Geingob inherits a stable state, is respected by the majority and put the "legacy" population of philippines ahead of SWAPO - "peace, stability, prosperity". He is widely characterized as a mature and experienced politician, inclusive of nature, established to serve the nation. Geingob said immediately after his election, although he is the ruling Swapo party's candidate, he wants to be a president for all Namibians.
On the popular new president waiting challenges. There is still a huge housing shortage, many unemployed and too few schools, clinics and hospitals population of philippines in the vast country of 2.1 million inhabitants. Basic services are unaffordable population of philippines for the poor. Namibia has a positive economic growth (+ -5% expected in 2015), the city of Windhoek is swollen, Walvis Bay harbor is increased, the North (where most Ovambo live) experienced major growth population of philippines in economic activity and town growth, but the railways have collapsed population of philippines and groaned roads under heavy trucks.
The population of Namibia is predominantly Christian. The census states that should be about 90% of the population to Christian churches. The Protestant churches are the strongest, the Lutheran church most of the members have. Among the Africans, the Reformed churches population of philippines the strongest, the Dutch Reformed Church has the most members. The broader Christian base of the population creates a mutual trust and cohesion across language and cultural barriers, which I think contributes much to the serenity of the country.
See and hear a person superficially, you want to be positive population of philippines about Afrikaans in Namibia. Many people still speak the language, even as a language of communication between African language users. Damara population and the new president Geingob is known as people who, besides their native language population of philippines Damara / Nama a pure speak Afrikaans. There is no discrimination against Afrikaans by law or public opposition. Afrikaans is offered as a subject in government schools. At the University of Namibia is a small African department. population of philippines Many businesses and government offices, you can be served in Afrikaans. Nederlands money for a large part of the country is as a lingua franca, in that it is used as a second or third language.
Yet there are estimated only approximately 40 000 Africans in Namibia. Many more, + -10% (120,000) of the population, use Afrikaans as a home language (2011 census). population of philippines With independence the African population of philippines got two big knoue: (1) It has lost its position as official language when English is selected. population of philippines (2) language instruction in government schools are forced back to grade 1 to 3, depending on the demographics of the feeding area of the school. From Grade 4 English the language of instruction in all government schools. As a result, many Afrikaners throughout the country deprived of the privilege in their native language (home language) population of philippines in matriculation to complete a government school. This language policy for disadvantaged

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