Wednesday, April 1, 2015

With the creation and consolidation of the Albanian state, which represented that territory, who le

Zervas general massacre against population of detroit the Cham population in Greece | My Cameria population of detroit
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When launched Greek barbarism against the Cham population? As seen Cham population of Greek politics? What was the reaction of the Great Powers, when Greece expelled from the Albanian territories over 80 thousand Albanians, where a portion sent to Turkey, others scattered around the islands of death, denying along with the Albanian name, which Cham Albanians were had survived four wild empires? Albania-Greece treaty of 1926-s led not to protect the rights and freedoms of the Cham population by Greece.
With the advent of the fascists in power in Greece, the 1936, Metaksait population of detroit clique situation worsened over the Chams. What was the pretext of the Greeks against Albania in connection with the fascist occupation? Massacre famous Greek General on Chams.
Greek chauvinism, population of detroit who had the ideology of the finances of adventurous Megaloidene January Katalisis, population of detroit the construction of neighborhood policy will also showed unfaithful, population of detroit ungrateful and the role of South Albanians. Hellenic ingratitude would become even we hate cruelty of which will emerge from that won the 1821 census revolution. Albanians, especially those Cham, who were nearest, pointed forehead struggle for the liberation of Greece from Ottoman invaders, the immortal prince Vranaj Zguraj of Bashar's Pjeter buffalo, Kladet the Kolokotronet, Alice Peletheu the myths, Manole Bloshi and Andriucio, Andrea Verushi up to Ali, but will be called worthless, or mastered as Greek fighters. Although happen so, it is a fact that Albanians in Albania and Albanians mid Cham, and lit the liberation war of Greek and Albanian heroism population of detroit brilliance, where the 100 heroes that emerged from the Greek revolution, 90 were Albanian, who fought as friends of the people Greek, that were oppressed by the same invaders and freedom of one people, soon would become an example for the other. But the Greeks, to the Albanian heroism for the liberation of Greece, it never showed friendship, gratitude. population of detroit
With the denial of Albanian blood that was shed on Greek soil, chauvinism prepared for the absorption of Albanian ethnic territories, where language, kilts, fidelity, pride they had known countless centuries.
Egersia barbaric, ruthless of the Hellenes, will spill over vulnerable populations Cham Albanians. Then the whole territories inhabited by ethnic Albanians. From 1830-1838, became the first victim of the Albanian population, who lived in the Ionian Islands, where Russia, England, France, Turkey forced to cede the entire Greek Ionian islands. Later, in the years 1863, 1913, were seized other lands, where banoheshin by Albanians, including Vouthroto, Kastoria, Pindi, Konica, which is the second victim of the Albanians for the barbarity of Greek chauvinism. While in 1913, the Greeks conquered the whole CHAMERIA and turned into a Ciflik to andarte. Camera is the third victim of the Greek barbarism and, to some extent, completed over half of Megaloidese plan. Greece, as CHAMERIA captured population of detroit and placed within that set greats, Cham returned slaves, with no rights. But chauvinism was quiet again. Cham population as a mine called the slow blowout. Greece is not feared as Cham population; about 120 thousand, as three million Albanian Arvanites, who was denied the right time, freedom, language, education English population of detroit and Albanian nationality. Medieval Greek Orthodox chauvinism, make plans for total ethnic population of detroit cleansing. In Greece not ngelej any Muslim, driving to Turkey and Albania, while another part sent the Aegean islands. Those who will therefore remain will also change the religion, the nationality.
From 1913-1922, at which time the fracture Albania in five states lacked consolidated state, Greece continued population of detroit to do ethnic cleansing of Albanians. Great Powers silent when Greece expelled from the Albanian territories over 80 thousand Albanians, where a portion sent to Turkey, others scattered throughout the islands population of detroit of death, denying that together with the Albanian population of detroit name, which Cham Albanians they had survived four empires Wild.
With the creation and consolidation of the Albanian state, which represented that territory, who left Albania and chauvinistic Great Powers, ie 28 thousand square kilometers of a total of 96 thousand square kilometers, nevertheless, cross-border Albanian population was not found abandoned by The homeland. Since the 1926 Albanian government makes the statement: "population exchange process has been completed. Henceforth, Cham will have rights as Greek citizens. " It opposed population of detroit the policy of ortho

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