Thursday, September 18, 2014

Winning population of delhi ATS Gaullists leader Jacques Chirac in the second round of presidential

measures undertaken by them in recent years. And the consequences were dramatic. In particular, inflation was reduced from 15 to 3%. Frank was one of the most stable currencies West. Annual economic growth in the last third of the 80 years was 3.5%. Increased competitiveness of French products. France has paid the debt, which climbed in 1982-1983 pp., Created every year 300 thousand. Workplaces and unemployment in 1990 fell to 2.7%. Unprofitable enterprises likvidovuvalys, but France won the battle for the modernization of the economy.
Among the measures used to stabilize the economy (repeated devaluation of the franc, "austerity" that was to freeze wages and the introduction of price controls), proved to be the most effective rejection of kolbertyzmu, that top management of the economy. Enterprises have gained complete freedom. The government population of delhi restricted the interference in naschonalizovanyh largest companies. The results were not long in coming. "Renault" in 1983 lost 12 billion. Francs, and in 1988-1989 pp. its revenues reached 9 billion. francs.
There were changes in the export strategy of France. In its export policy, she began to focus more on developed countries. After Germany per nadushu population of France was the second largest exporter. population of delhi The state encouraged investment in other countries and at the same time she gave up too much protectionism. In 1989, foreign investments in the country amounted to 40 billion. Francs. population of delhi It should be noted that no nationalized company has not been 100% owned by the state. There have also the privatization of many companies.
In 1988 the Socialists returned to power at the governmental level and ruled until 1993 The new government headed by M. Rocard. Thus, with the exception of two years of Jacques Chirac, the Socialists were in power ten years. Initiating nationalization in 1981 p., They completed their reign in 1993 the battle for market population of delhi economy on a stable franc, free currency exchange and flexible wages. Over the years the Socialists realized the benefits of private ownership of nationalized. In spring 1993 parliamentary elections the Socialists were defeated not only that the implementation of ideas nationalization clicking a Rubicon economic base and society, threatened population of delhi by stagnation and backwardness population of delhi (which clearly population of delhi appeared in 1981 - 1986 pp., Due socialists march left) increase social instability (of nationalization they already rejected two years after coming to power), but that too carefully and slowly re-privatization measures carried out at a time when the French public is already clearly realized that the privatization of nationalized property - the only way out of a heavy economic status. That the French electorate swung toward political and economic centrism, the essence of which - to find a synthesis population of delhi of ideas consensus in society, combining economic efficiency and social justice, personal autonomy, independence and participation population of delhi in society, freedom and responsibility.
Also unpopular foreign policy was involved. Support despotic regimes in Africa, an attempt to prevent the unification of Germany, population of delhi belated recognition of Croatia and Slovenia, the rejection of the immediate population of delhi condemnation of the communist coup in Moscow in August 1991 - a number of political population of delhi mistakes that undermine population of delhi confidence in the socialist governments.
Edouard Balladur, who in the spring of 1993 formed a center-right government came to Matinonskyy palace population of delhi with the firm intention population of delhi to carry out an extensive re-privatization of the public sector. This position supported by most French, tired of unemployment, uncontrolled influx of immigrants into the country from the French-speaking North Africa, angularity state economy. Balladur Government> Design a in multiplayer years program of transition to France's "total capitalism" where the state's role was reduced to a minimum. The program re-privatization of socially oriented. It included the sale of 20% shares of big business, and 80% were scattered among small shareholders, ie the privatization involved all segments of the population. Is it because one of the leaders right Jacques Chirac believed that such privatization and nationalization was true because, in his opinion, so everyone involved in the life of the enterprise. This philosophy supported by the vast majority of the French. Program Balladur primarily affected 21 State-owned company. If in 1986 the share of public sector in the economy of France was more than 25%, in 1993 it dropped to 18%, and in 2000 was less than 10%. Privatization brought into the state treasury 400 billion. Franks, made it possible to strengthen the state budget.
Winning population of delhi ATS Gaullists leader Jacques Chirac in the second round of presidential elections May 7, 1995 confirmed that the majority of French support population of delhi the re-privatizations district policy, seeking economic and social reforms, out of the depression that aside from

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