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The researchers have succeeded in creating a new synthetic injectable material that can be implanted healed glottis to restore population of india 2012 their function. Already in the U.S. alone, as many as 6% of the population afflicted with some sort of speech defect, most of which leads to scarring of the vocal cords, and thus the ability to call up a complete lack of deterioration.
Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists managed to create a synthetic injectable material closer than normal vocal cord problem differently. In the new study, the researchers regarded population of india 2012 the glottis as a mechanical system, ignoring physiology. Specifically, they did not attempt to remove the scar tissue of the vocal cords, just fill out and improve in the affected areas.
PEG, polyethylene population of india 2012 glycol, or used to improve the named ingredient, which is already in the past by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved by the medical substance for permissible. PEG makes it unique is the fact that it is so flexible, literally, as well as indirectly due to the molecular structure of manipuleeritavuse.
It is the latter feature gave scientists the opportunity to create exactly the necessary material, called PEG30, which is its viscosity and elasticity very similar to one's own voice in the band. So the material is capable of damaged region, which is due to the scar tissue population of india 2012 is more rigid, give back vibreerimisvõime.
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