Monday, April 27, 2015

There is, for now, a solution predominantly generic, for this problem, albeit temporary, such as th

One of the most common criticisms of women over men is that we feel fear and do not express emotions. The purpose of this blog is to verbalize feelings and emotions male that we have, but not explicitly, either neurobiology or education, or both. Hence its name: Emotional Flavors.
We begin by evidence: increasing divorces or separates most middle-aged people. If illustrated with approximate figures in Catalonia over 60% of marriages fail and the subject of breaks are mostly between 40 and 50 years (over 80%). If we add to these data are breakdowns of unmarried couples, homosexual unions or individuals who maintain lasting relationships unregulated, the figure would be scandalous relationship instability, and indeed it is. Does this mean that the traditional family model collapses with a crash? Yeah, I mean, and yes of course. Just a civilization, a world order, a moral. demographics The industrial stage but we naturally breakneck speed in the age of technology, historical circumstances that influence global politics, finance, economy, work, society, family and finally the individual. Now, at the beginning of the century, what is fascinating yet stunning demographics ascertain what the future will bring. On the issue of bonding, which is what we want, we have to note that the absolute prevailing confusion and blinding. Educated in the traditional model of marriage, this unprecedented and surprising demographics change affects a large majority of the population matures, the product of the demographic explosion demographics of 60s-70s, mostly divorced or separated people often ramshackle, burn, unbelieving, that we are forced to make a fresh start with the past and build new models of relationships according to recent and unusual circumstances. In practice: young children and had no home nor did a classic double project whereby we Hipotecavant to get home, and engendràvem and raised children. Now, the larger demographics with ties broken marriage and still very existence in advance, we can not reproduce the same model essentially two obvious demographics obstacles, housing and children. Sell their own story to purchase one share with a new partner? Will I have the luck that adolescents or children 's cries s'avingui between us and them? No, no, everything would be crazy. Firstly, we have been seized with rage and chainsaw firewood fine blowjob and education received by children. I output, built brick on brick original solutions to efficiently convey demographics feelings and relationships, demographics and thus move away from the grim solitude demographics and castrating.
There is, for now, a solution predominantly generic, for this problem, albeit temporary, such as the widespread fashion "Living apart together" so cool at the time, but not yet in practice given to various factors, tasty fruit that was expected. The key to survival is to make sure emotional moment individually and privately: that everyone do their and every man for himself, and oil. Before that, according to tradition, we formed a family, creating offspring demographics and spouses stayed together until death separated them. There was a linear, demographics continuous and uniform. Now, God is dead and ecclesiastical marriage with him; morality is deceased and her civil marriage; and we poor creatures disoriented, we tested multiple partners chained or overlapping relationships and varied intensity, shape and duration, demographics alternating with periods of depression isolation. The reality of daily becomes contrary to the classical demographics said: carry a sentimental life fragmented and discontinuous multiple. In this regard, demographics we are forced to row against the tide of nature that pushes us towards a tame routine, a narcotic demographics stability, a serene life, patterned, and accepted as a common and increasingly familiar anxiety and impaïble uncertainty management, because demographics it appears to us that the future increasingly demographics random, fluctuating and unpredictable. The emotional level we transformed into an amorphous mass, malleable, multifaceted, and we ourselves also become extremely multiple beings, a sort of schizophrenic healthy host under different inside, each adapted each feeling, relationship or casuistry. Each bond has now become one and there are many models of relationships and relationships are established. And there are so many who do not already know or how to label them. We are together? We boyfriends? We go together? We are lovers? We partner? We are friends with rights? Or are we just a superficial we saw

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