Saturday, March 21, 2015

Many people, not only in Russia, peering at the screen in amazement their zombie-divisors, when the

Many people, not only in Russia, peering at the screen in amazement their zombie-divisors, when they showed the effects of regular air and artudarov inflicted on the Ukrainian troops allegedly armed groups (militias or separatists, as you wish) south-east of Ukraine. But these blows somehow red total applied to the living quarters, where civilians perished ... That's photos found in haste on the Internet Remember that? ... By TV showed the bodies of civilians plachuchih people who asked, "Why did they shoot for us? "," Where are the militia? " etc. Seen similar reports on TV? .. I'm not going to comment on what was shown on TV and written in the media! This technology propaganda kotoruya not see any reason to discuss now. Since I am a career officer in the reserve, red total though naval (submarine officer), I have the answers to those questions were people crying, but I could not show anyone the relevant excerpts from those books on military tactics, that once I studied, the more that discipline secret ... But recently, studying the "London Congress on Nuclear Radiation, Control and Health" conducted by L. Ron Hubbard in April 1957 in London, found the following quote, which I present to you, because they are responsible on those same questions, "Why? !! .." Please red total read carefully read? .. Exactly red total ?! What happened in the south-eastern red total Ukraine? There were formed self-proclaimed Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republic (LC and DNI), right? They have held elections, they chose a new government that does not obey Kiev, right? .. And now once again re-read what is written above, if needed. It Hubbard red total said in April 1957 (!!) years, with reference to the definition of war, which was given already in 1792 (!!) year! Then Hubbard addresses the subject of nuclear tests, which led the United States and the Soviet Union and because of which the world began hysteria among the civilian red total population in different countries. Imagine, for example, some small country such as Switzerland or Austria, which has no nuclear weapons and its government ... to come to the representatives of the United States or the Soviet Union, and say something like: "If you do not do such and such we will advertising on a nuclear attack on you "? Or if this was said as a threat, so that the entire population of a small country to hear about it on the radio or TV? .. Can you imagine the reaction of the population of a country? Not hard to guess what would happen. Well, I'm a little distracted from the topic ... So, now you are understanding of the purpose for which strikes on civilians south-east red total of Ukraine? .. Do you think that during the Great War Otechesvtennoy was different? Nope! The Nazis bombed peaceful towns !! In that lecture, Hubbard then discusses the tactics of warfare by Alexander the Great, who is not particularly ceremony with the rulers of those countries with which it fought. He is "stupid" found them on the battlefield and killed, red total so grabbing power. Well, more ... he married dvovah red total killed them rulers and took control of the enslaved people. After this story, Hubbard said, I think that is no longer worth pursuing? .. Probably already and everything is clear? Attacking the civilian population red total of the south-east of Ukraine red total had only one purpose, that it is the population itself red total "deposited Kiev militia", but it did not happen ... Well, that was on, we've all seen. Since the objective was to answer the question: "Why the Ukrainian authorities to bomb civilians?", There's nothing else to write and not speak. Like how to respond to him? In the end I can only add that all those sanctions, which are now declared against Russia, is rapidly falling oil prices and a depreciating ruble - it is nothing like "bombardment" of the Russian population to distabilizirovat situation and bring people out of the control of the Government of the Russian and Putin and his overthrow. That's red total the way it is stupid and childish. Russia - is a nuclear power and to apply military strikes against its population to be a suicide. But if you listen to the news of the idiocy that at times sounds on TV, there is already skips the idea of "nuclear annihilation red total of Russia", "the war between Russia and the United States" and other crap from the Cold War. And in Ukraine itself has often heard talk of the need to return it to a nuclear-equipment ...
Tags SMS-fraud, boeing-777, boeing-777 malaysia airlines, google, jeep, malaysia airlines, mh17, qiwi, sony xperia, Bank of Moscow, Beeline, a Boeing 777, Bryansk, VTB 24, Webcams elections, Vybory- 2011 Elections 2012, Dianetics, Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, Human Heritage Centre, Copenhagen, L. Ron Hubbard, MTS, MegaFon, Medvedev, Moscow, Prokhorov, Putin, RESO-Guarantee, Russia, Scientology, Sberbank, Sobyanin, stylish kitchen, Ukraine, red total Hubbard, business in Russia, business in Russian business degradaty, website, money, idiocy, personnel problems, human resources, crisis, marketing, downed red total Fights

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