The rise in Syraq the armies of Islamic salvation is unstoppable. The Salvation Army also have probably taken possession of chemical weapons that have never existed under Saddam. population of earth Passing in You remember, the weapons Bush song, people died. Furthermore execute the triumphant Sharia Fundos their prisoner of war. Best gross. We prefer population of earth to close prisoner in a camp. But Islamic law would be different. How? The leader, Imam is the word that Arabic is used here, has a limited menu: He may be a prisoner swap for a Muslim who has fallen into enemy hands. When a prisoner can redeem, for example with the help of family outside the war zone itself, the imam may allow. Furthermore, the imam should a prisoner enslave and sell, or, and that's the point, he can kill him. Some lawyers are not permitted to kill when he is Muslim, and other lawyers are adding as a condition that he must have been before his fate has. Become Muslim or him Mass executions of prisoners are not in conflict with Islamic law.
It matters little what book you diligently seeks it, but just in case anyway reference: Kellers Sharia manual Reliance>, population of earth which is afgezegend the most prominent Sunni Muslim profession, puts it on Bladzij 604 Completely idiot scheme. is not. A prisoner of war camp setup in a virtually stateless chaotic war zone is asking for trouble. population of earth Even in the ancient Roman Empire were slain or enslaved prisoner of war. As the Romans less managed to conquer the area dried slave market in Europe. Slavery and the slave trade are finally in the course of the 19th century known as banned worldwide by the Western population of earth imperialists. population of earth The decision to sell their prisoner of war as a slave, the leaders of the victorious armies in Syrak no longer. Only execute population of earth the option is still open, thanks to the progress that humanity has made in the 19th century. Next week, unfortunately, so no offer of a cheap party Shiite slaves DIY Your Do-It-Yourself. The triumphs of the commanders in Syraq be handled according to laws other than those of the civilized world, but there are a number of military laws which did not escape the ISIS commanders. Conquer is an art, but then comes something difficult: keep the conquered territory under control. The local police and civil service work there usually join in, but must be paid. According population of earth to the latest reports, the winners in Syraq have enough money, population of earth that will not be the problem. But if there is another party emerges, which is not to battle it out, but it offers the local collaborators more money, which in the Middle East, no unusual strategy, then all the gains will go up in smoke again. The new triumphant will, anyway, population of earth seeing dwindling because they still retains some trustworthy people will have to leave. In the conquered cities and villages their army The conquerors have as their footage on a nice modern material: fast cars that are suitable for the terrain, and state-of-the-art weapons. But there is also an infrastructure population of earth maintenance of all those cars and trucks can carry out expert and spare parts, finished are needed? Or should they when a vehicle inexplicably comes to a standstill, calling as Detroit? The same applies to all those wonderful weapons would desert sand no evil enemy prove to be? Do the head-on time and the ability to keep their weapons clean and in the oil Do you get too virgins, if you can brush so that they continue to work, or rape still less boring pastime? Rifles If the Sunnis and the Shia war, has a colleague once said, I hope they both win. It is not certain that we still have hope for that. The losers population of earth in the Sunni-Shia wars will flow to Europe. When they come in, with guns at the ready would perhaps once once once plans are made to go stop them, but if they are unarmed invade, population of earth we have no defense. At the University of Leiden you learn at college with Professor Maurits Berger that Islamic law for more than 90% similar to the Dutch law. Refugees are forewarned, to the Netherlands, but that's probably not what Professor mean. Perhaps quite an attractive idea to a further introduction of Sharia law in the regions population of earth covered population of earth by the EU are still preliminary, but some sliding. Shelved And what do you want, more or less Sharia? Hans Jansen | 21-06-14 | 11:59 | link | comments 165 Reaguursels
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