Monday, June 16, 2014

Pretty good on the night, at least for me, slept in fuldugokkal. I no longer know how the rest of i

Insecticide: I suggest that a strong flashlight to look through the neatly ... (20.11.2012 20:13). 20th day prior to Ponferrada in a hotel room becuccolás - Perera 13/08/2011. ville de france Bug para D.Jani: Respect! ville de france (. 13.08.2011 21:44) 13.nap Poblacion de Campos - Calzadilla de la Cueza 08/06/2011. Ritage: ville de france ice, certainly harden the "party", but you are a true survivor! :) I'm starting to think that deliberate Ages ... Day 10 (09/08/2011 9:33.) - 08/03/2011 Burgos. ville de france Labkimeles before the Meseta Ganfo: 1ET val hasonlattal.minden part of the series, included ville de france the young men bartaidnak adventure vi ... 9 days Redecillo del Camino - Ages 02.08.2011 (05.08.2011 09:44).. ! The great march HT: We're with you on ice Spirit is definitely the replica can not comment on the eighth day :) Najera - 08/01/2011 Redecilo del Camino! (08/03/2011 12:43).. The sun is shining ..
I am too on the second day and it still is going :)
- Larrasoana in pretty poor quality of the accommodation?
Does a netezesbol I walked up to the small 70 bed dormitory, which was a bold 4 to fakkokra nature, but very demanding done in a when than if someone had told me back h on ice, which is weird, because Holland was next to me, here and everyone knows Balazs .. Then I was wondering if you can already read the blog here or translated into Spanish? :) But .. Roland Koch was not the one from the university's point .. you know I'll see you here again .. wow. We could not swallow worn down, but I had to believe your eyes .. Then why did you come out of a good one I talked to is planning etc
Pretty good on the night, at least for me, slept in fuldugokkal. I no longer know how the rest of it I sleep well because I managed to turn off my phone and HT in the evening at 11 o'clock attempted when I've slept with elvielg others too :) Oh, yeah, I'm no longer in the evening after 10 elrheto . we get up at 6 am, then get started around 7, 2-4 afternoon ville de france was the arrival, then nap, washing, etc.. Then csicsika :)
sziesztarol to think of it .. I say that I am a kind and charismatic, I try to spread the Hungarian stem to be so polite. So whoever I go next, I say that BUEN CAMINO! this is the greeting, which en english always adds to a nice trip! Paran asked for what? Then he can to talk with everyone what a beautiful little country came :) Then at some point figured ville de france out that adds to Hi or hi-OLA because it is used in the Spanish case. So then when one was dropped in one sitting Hi team next looked at me quizzically and visszakerdeztek Siesta? I'm thinking na jo en stupid what everyone was thinking about it :)
otherwise I think because of this chip in command, now at the fact that I do not speak much better English than I otherwise ville de france incredible :) Ok but the average is way better compared to my English .. Gergo, ville de france Tom Laugh :) not really true. And it's not because Azerbaijani Rodrigo friend who's about Brazil. 10 words can (now 3 days after you liked it :) Daddy palin food (thanks Dad), because you need to consume a lot of weight .. So Rodrigo, he is my little Sancho Panza m, together we started in the morning and evening is about. We arrived at the same time, during the day and a master circled tizorainal :) During the day I ran into him again and gave the remaining of orange, because that of course I bought a liter it was the same as 2 ounces. I'm Jo Hungarian children, I look at the prices I've been weaving since :) He's great, I'm happy for you and when you walked in kozelemben, yeah night lying on the adjacent brain, ville de france tissue was today he is my spiritual harcostarsam :) very good man, but unprepared, otherwise His first day I spotted a gap in the woods, ville de france shivering in the rain, because the white raincoat missing, polojaban fought ville de france the elements, but when he asked if I can help just said, I am Brazilian, no Angol :) Then the problem and they are words and understood the thumbs-up he said, pointing, h It's okay :)
Moreover, it is also important that you can not talk nice, good English, but I speak as pets :) say in addition to the English-speaking Azerbaijani Girls I pull myself :) yeah the angolszaszok which includes scattered all English-speakers now (no Americans). So those are very typical of approx. es a head smaller than twice as wide, but both at the same time charismatic na :) It has been reported that nearly a diet disaster was sent to them :) Rough, I am therefore partially here .. :)
tissue had rained all day, except ville de france for the last one hour, when it was all the same, but en zoknitcserelek myself whenever possible, because the sweaty, wet Labo easier to come out of a blister, high the risk of injury, etc.. Unfortunately, I have been the unfortunate commands the road, almost everyone glued or sewn your feet (the sewing Hungarian specialties :) I'm having but I just feel like joints, but then I can pound lobalzsamot ville de france what you need to consume, the way you want to with your feet :) otherwise very good to everyone, ville de france Roland is the preferred ville de france szarvasfaggyukremet ..
En the rain got off to the good thanks to ponchomnak

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