Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Population Population refers to the number of people living in a particular place. POPULATION GROWT

What is the population? General information about population with | Technology News and English Courses
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Population Population refers to the number of people living in a particular place. POPULATION GROWTH birth rate and death rate indicates the difference between population growth. Than the birth rate in a country, the death rate is less than population growth occurs. The greater the mortality rate of birth, us census bureau population reduction occurs. us census bureau Rate of population growth in less developed countries more generally, the lower the rate of population growth in developed countries. us census bureau There is a relationship between population growth rate and growth rate. Accordingly; The population growth rate is higher than the rate of development, the development of the country is slowed us census bureau or declined. The population growth rate is lower than the growth rate increases the development of the country. As a result of population growth is positive, the negative consequences can be. a. The positive results of population growth Production increases. Tax revenue increases. us census bureau increased demand for goods and services. New industries are born. Labor costs are cheaper. Kaynakwh webhatti.co I: facilitating us census bureau competition in the export. b. Negative consequences us census bureau of population growth Unemployment increases. Development of speed decreases. GDP per capita decreases. Savings are reduced. Consumption increases. us census bureau Internal and external migration increases. it is difficult to meet people's basic needs. Exports are reduced. Demographic (based on population) investment increases. Environmental pollution increases. Public us census bureau services difficult. Demographic information CENSUS AND RESULTS IN TURKEY, usually obtained from census results. The number of people with this census, occupational group, age, status, education, number of people in the family, male - female population can be obtained information such as population growth rate. The first census in Turkey in 1927, the most recent census was conducted on 22 October 2000. 1927 - population density and the amount has steadily increased from 2000. In 1927, the population was 13.6 million in 1997 increased to 62.8 million, has been around 70 million at the last census in 2000. The population growth rate of at least 1940 - in 1945, took place between maximum 1955 - 1960. POPULATION DISTRIBUTION geographical region of Turkey in Turkey are located sections and significant differences in terms of quantity and density of population us census bureau between regions. The factors which affect the different distribution of the population us census bureau in Turkey is as follows: 1. Physical Factors a. Climate characteristics of our country where the population is dense, often have a major impact on the climate is temperate coastal regions. Arid and winter population of more intense extreme cold last place I değildir.kaynakwh webhatti.co: b. Landforms in our country's population is less high and rugged. Eastern Anatolia us census bureau Region, Taşeli Place-tos, floor hinge region can be given as examples. c. Soil characteristics: areas where the fertile soil (Çukurova, Gediz, Büyük Menderes), while the population of the crowd, in places such as Salt Lake environment is very small population is found in badlands. 2. Human Factors a. Industrialization: In Turkey, as in the whole world, where increased industrialization increased population density. Istanbul, Izmit, Adapazari, Bursa, Adana and Izmir is an example. b. Agriculture: densely populated areas where agriculture is developed. Çukurova, Gediz and Wednesday Bafra plain as the environment. c. Groundwater sources: dense population is needed in the operation of mineral us census bureau or energy resources, it is more than the population in these areas. Zonguldak, Soma, Elbistan us census bureau is an example. d. Tourism: Turkey, due to tourism in the Aegean and Mediterranean coastal population centers are concentrated. email address. Transportation: Transportation routes us census bureau has increased the population of the cities in the intersection. Eskişehir, us census bureau Ankara, Kayseri, the development of cities such as Istanbul, their presence on the roads has been effective. POPULATION DENSITY 1. Arithmetic Population Density of the total population of a country or region, then the number obtained by dividing the area of the country or region, called the arithmetic population density. us census bureau Turkey's total surface area (in the projection us census bureau space) us census bureau 779 452 km2, the total population of 62,865,574 (1997) dir. Accordingly, Turkey's arithmetic us census bureau population density is approximately 81 compared to 1997. However, us census bureau this shows the distribution of population density as very rude and only used to compare the population density of the country. However, cities and towns of arithmetic considering population density and area of the actual figure is closer to. 2. Agricultural Population Density in a country or in any area, the population living on agriculture and animal husbandry, called the agricultural population density is obtained by dividing the population density in agricultural areas. This method is based on the arithmetic population density is more realistic. Agricultural population density varies us census bureau between regions and provinces in Turkey. Bunda yerşekill

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