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Home World History age of spades Grade 10 Grade 6 (Integrated Course) Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 History Planning History of Ukraine Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 history-geography-law Videos age of spades Historical figures age of spades Geography Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Day in history Ukrainian writers
Purpose: to familiarize students with the history of France in the era of absolutism, to acquaint students age of spades with activities and reforms Richelieu, show France during the reign of Louis XIV; develop students' ability to work with text information sources, analyze material, to be able to provide primary and secondary, to express their own point of view; raise interest in the study of world history. age of spades
"Conversation on demand" Open the meaning of "industrial revolution." What are the events that led to the industrial revolution in England. What are the consequences of the industrial revolution. What are the specific features of the French Reformation? What were the effects age of spades of the religious wars? What was the significance of the Board of Cardinal Richelieu? Can we say that France established an absolute monarchy? Prove it based on facts.
"Teacher" in the 40 - ies XVII. France was the most centralized state in Western Europe (the number of its population of about 20 million. Persons). For the first minister Richelieu age of spades (1624 - 1642 gg.) Strengthened French absolutism. Victorious in France results Thirty Years War provided the country the military - political advantage in Europe, but continued participation in it has led to a significant increase taxes and increase public discontent in France. In the XVII century. continued age of spades the installation of capitalist relations, which had certain characteristics that State. What they manifest and what took place in France, we find out in today's lesson.
"Teacher" French economy in the middle of the XVII century. remained predominantly agrarian: 85% of the population lived in rural areas and engaged in agriculture. The industry also played a leading role textile age of spades industry. Bread, wine, cloth, salt were the main products of the French economy, and prevailed in domestic and foreign trade. France has become a tradition for the manufacture and export of luxury goods - silk, velvet, brocade, lace, carpets, objects of art. 2 Absolutism under Louis XIV.
The teacher provides students with the help of maps Historical Atlas "France age of spades in the XVII century." Do the job. What are the areas that were joining in France during the reign of Louis XIV. Show the territory that was captured in Spain.
"The highest power of monarchy reached under Louis XIV (1643-1715). This selfish and narcissistic King was very wise person. He attributed the saying: "The state - it's me!".
In 1661 Richelieu's successor died at the ministerial office Cardinal Mazarin, and 22-year-old King Louis XIV declared that from now on he will be prime minister. From all subjects, even the most noble, he demanded the unconditional fulfillment of their whims. The approval of the new law the King should write: "This age of spades is my will." Louis XIV had introduced new taxes in the country. He did not consider it necessary to anyone age of spades report on what needs to spend money from the state treasury.
Only the construction of the conduit designed age of spades for the famous cascades and fountains of Versailles, for three years worked 22 thousand. Soldiers and eight thousand. Masons. Implementation of cost 9 million French francs and 10 th. Lives.
Peace and security guards guarded the king of 10 thousand. age of spades Cavalry age of spades and infantry, the number of young men of all ranks came to 4 thousand. age of spades Husband. Above the nobility of the country considered it an honor to get to their number.
Under Louis XIV pursued any free thought and free-thinking as often originated from unruly protesters, King initiated the elimination of their rights. In 1685 he canceled age of spades the Edict of Nantes. Prisons were overcrowded Huguenots.
Available King was half a million standing army. To celebrate the self and expand the boundaries of France, Louis XIV almost continuously fought almost all of Europe. age of spades Even a Supply Chamber to design the "legitimate rights" of the French crown to a particular territory.
The nobles were the mainstay of royal power. King guarded their privileges and "prepared a" age of spades through taxes. Farmers who were under excessive age of spades burden of taxes and duties, was unbearable to develop economy. They almost did not buy products manufactory, and some are completely ruined "(Svyatokum age of spades OE Vsemyrnaya story. Plans-konspektы urokov. 8 class. - Kharkiv: Morning, 2002 - P. 72-73).
Q: Is it possible to say that France during the reign of Louis XIV up to its political and economic prosperity? In your opinion, why historians claim that during the reign of Louis XIV was the heyday of absolutism?
"Conversation for the question" What are the events that took place in France under Louis XIV in order to media
Home World History age of spades Grade 10 Grade 6 (Integrated Course) Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 History Planning History of Ukraine Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 history-geography-law Videos age of spades Historical figures age of spades Geography Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Day in history Ukrainian writers
Purpose: to familiarize students with the history of France in the era of absolutism, to acquaint students age of spades with activities and reforms Richelieu, show France during the reign of Louis XIV; develop students' ability to work with text information sources, analyze material, to be able to provide primary and secondary, to express their own point of view; raise interest in the study of world history. age of spades
"Conversation on demand" Open the meaning of "industrial revolution." What are the events that led to the industrial revolution in England. What are the consequences of the industrial revolution. What are the specific features of the French Reformation? What were the effects age of spades of the religious wars? What was the significance of the Board of Cardinal Richelieu? Can we say that France established an absolute monarchy? Prove it based on facts.
"Teacher" in the 40 - ies XVII. France was the most centralized state in Western Europe (the number of its population of about 20 million. Persons). For the first minister Richelieu age of spades (1624 - 1642 gg.) Strengthened French absolutism. Victorious in France results Thirty Years War provided the country the military - political advantage in Europe, but continued participation in it has led to a significant increase taxes and increase public discontent in France. In the XVII century. continued age of spades the installation of capitalist relations, which had certain characteristics that State. What they manifest and what took place in France, we find out in today's lesson.
"Teacher" French economy in the middle of the XVII century. remained predominantly agrarian: 85% of the population lived in rural areas and engaged in agriculture. The industry also played a leading role textile age of spades industry. Bread, wine, cloth, salt were the main products of the French economy, and prevailed in domestic and foreign trade. France has become a tradition for the manufacture and export of luxury goods - silk, velvet, brocade, lace, carpets, objects of art. 2 Absolutism under Louis XIV.
The teacher provides students with the help of maps Historical Atlas "France age of spades in the XVII century." Do the job. What are the areas that were joining in France during the reign of Louis XIV. Show the territory that was captured in Spain.
"The highest power of monarchy reached under Louis XIV (1643-1715). This selfish and narcissistic King was very wise person. He attributed the saying: "The state - it's me!".
In 1661 Richelieu's successor died at the ministerial office Cardinal Mazarin, and 22-year-old King Louis XIV declared that from now on he will be prime minister. From all subjects, even the most noble, he demanded the unconditional fulfillment of their whims. The approval of the new law the King should write: "This age of spades is my will." Louis XIV had introduced new taxes in the country. He did not consider it necessary to anyone age of spades report on what needs to spend money from the state treasury.
Only the construction of the conduit designed age of spades for the famous cascades and fountains of Versailles, for three years worked 22 thousand. Soldiers and eight thousand. Masons. Implementation of cost 9 million French francs and 10 th. Lives.
Peace and security guards guarded the king of 10 thousand. age of spades Cavalry age of spades and infantry, the number of young men of all ranks came to 4 thousand. age of spades Husband. Above the nobility of the country considered it an honor to get to their number.
Under Louis XIV pursued any free thought and free-thinking as often originated from unruly protesters, King initiated the elimination of their rights. In 1685 he canceled age of spades the Edict of Nantes. Prisons were overcrowded Huguenots.
Available King was half a million standing army. To celebrate the self and expand the boundaries of France, Louis XIV almost continuously fought almost all of Europe. age of spades Even a Supply Chamber to design the "legitimate rights" of the French crown to a particular territory.
The nobles were the mainstay of royal power. King guarded their privileges and "prepared a" age of spades through taxes. Farmers who were under excessive age of spades burden of taxes and duties, was unbearable to develop economy. They almost did not buy products manufactory, and some are completely ruined "(Svyatokum age of spades OE Vsemyrnaya story. Plans-konspektы urokov. 8 class. - Kharkiv: Morning, 2002 - P. 72-73).
Q: Is it possible to say that France during the reign of Louis XIV up to its political and economic prosperity? In your opinion, why historians claim that during the reign of Louis XIV was the heyday of absolutism?
"Conversation for the question" What are the events that took place in France under Louis XIV in order to media
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