The average height (as 30s of the 20th century) - 166 cm. Divided France into two area line that runs from Cherbourg to Marseille Northeast population of philadelphia region with an average population of philadelphia growth - 166-168; South West region with an average growth - 161 -165 cm. Highest people live in valleys of major rivers, and the lowest - in the hilly regions. Lowest population in France is the Bretons, whose average height 7 cm lower than the inhabitants of Cornwall, from which ancestors migrated Bretons. Also, some anthropologists have noted the so-called "Such places", where the average height not exceeding 160 cm wide. Somatolohicheskim data resemble the French western Norwegian and Irish, ie their physique rather tends to form more massive than the Mediterranean. The average height in a sitting position is 52.4 cm, which is not extreme values as absolute values of width of shoulders and hips.
cranial index. France - brahitsefalicheskiy population of philadelphia region. The average cranial index - 83.6. In Burgundy and Auvergne concentrated cranial index 86 In France, there are 2 center concentration hyper-Brahitsefaliya. Regions with a concentration dolichocephaly population of philadelphia very little. The average index of 77 has been observed only in the Dordogne (in the valley of the Weser). Mezotsefalamy (78-79) is concentrated in the area between the rivers Weser and drones. Index 78-81 also marked along the coast of the English Channel. In other regions dominated by cranial index of 82-85. population of philadelphia In France, as in some other countries, dolichocephaly prevails in urban areas (cranial index at 1.86 in urban areas is lower than in rural areas. Absolute size of the skull less French than German and Scandinavian borrebi Brahitsefaliya. According metrics are correlated in the Balkan dinartsami and Tajiks.
The French dominated the width of the forehead / jaw width 108 mm and bizihomatik - 140 mm. These values are higher population of philadelphia than any characteristic of seredzemnomortsiv and close (but not equal) to borrebi-like options. The average height of the individual population of philadelphia - 121-122 mm, and the average top height - 73 mm. For typical French alpinidov mezoprozopiya. The average population of philadelphia height of the nose - 53 mm and average width - 34 mm. The average nasal index - 64 Thus, their noses moderately leptorinny. The absolute population of philadelphia size of the skull in residents dolihotsefalicheskaya region (Dordogne) population of philadelphia is a very large and metrics for residents in the region close to the primitive-dolichocephaly Brunette with Wales.
Pigmentation of hair. Sample: 6625 men from all over France: 4% - black hair, 23% - dark brown, 43% - brown, 14% - light brown, 12% - blonde hair (various colors), 4% - chestnut-red. In general, for France is characterized by: lack of very dark (black) hair colors and a tendency to reddish shades. Light hair pigmentation concentrated population of philadelphia in Normandy and in general along the coast of the English Channel, population of philadelphia and most dark pigmentation (black and brown and dark brown hair) is characteristic slopes Pyrenees, Languedoc and Provence. Residents of Normandy in pigmentation similar to the residents of southern England, Bretons - from Cornish residents, and residents of the North-East of France - with the southern Germans.
On average in France, 25% - brown / dark brown eyes. In Brittany, 14% of the population has dark pigmentation of the eyes, in the foothills of the Pyrenees 41-42% of the population has dark pigmentation of the eyes, and in the Western Alps and the Rhone valley dark eye pigmentation population of philadelphia was observed in 57-59% of the population. population of philadelphia Total in France in 49 departments (87) dark pigmentation of the eyes (brown population of philadelphia / dark brown shades) ranges from 20-30% (not counting dark mixed colors). Light eye pigmentation (no mixed colors) are concentrated population of philadelphia in the northeast (in the area of German influence) and the North (Normandy and Picardy). In the northern and north-eastern regions of light pigmentation was observed in 25% of the population. In the Pyrenees mountains and the Riviera light and light-mixed shades recorded in 10-15% of the population. Overall, France is dominated by dark shades mixed eyes (hazel, yellow-brown, greenish-brown, etc.). In some northern regions of large kontsetratsii light mixed colors.
The population of the coast of La Manche (Normandy) is characterized by relatively high growth, light mixed pigmentation and sub-Brahitsefaliya. This region suffered the most in a German influence. In the northeast of light and light-mixed pigmentation combined with Dinarskoye features and hyper-Brahitsefaliya. In Northern France alpine variants experienced the German influence, and in Central and South - strong Mediterranean. Alpine options widespread in France often have a convex nose or prominent features Mediterranean. Classic alpine features (straight or concave population of philadelphia profile, strong growth of beard, hard, but wavy hair) is very rare among the French, who are representatives of metric alpine type. Although it is often possible to meet the French, whose
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