The previous novel in the Swedish journalist recycling writer bestseller, The grandfather who jumped out the window and took off, became in 2012 one of the international browser statistics publishing phenomenon, with millions of copies sold worldwide. The novel had the crazy adventures of a character who stars in an unusual flight browser statistics of a nursing home, replete after numerous and bizarre adventures. Personally I was surprised by the explosive success of this novel, full of weaknesses in my view, mainly gross reiterations and comic gags.
But it sold well, very well, and the author has taken the moral that such novels have their public and, therefore, what you need to do is give the more absurd stories better.
The young South African starring Nombeko has nothing browser statistics to envy to the centenary browser statistics Allan. The first few pages describe his life in Soweto, Johannesburg. She works Nombeko emptying latrines. But the depressing spectacle of poverty that sees around him awakens your thirst for knowledge. Nombeko is a girl with very good head which also has an incredible knack for numbers browser statistics and reading. Soon stands out among his peers and gets to be in charge, but of no use because their bosses do not want is just savvy people. Nombeko eventually abandoned his job and decides to start a new life, although his first day of freedom is hit by a white alcoholic driver. We are in the 60s, when South Africa it was a racist country. Although the fault of the driver, a Dutch engineer, Nombeko is sentenced to seven years for him to work as a maid.
The engineer is engaged in secret work for the South African government in the manufacture of atomic bombs. But it is a liar and a manipulator also known scientists browser statistics rudiments. Nombeko, who had learned to read in a shack of his former neighborhood, becomes his constant readings by an expert on nuclear energy and your boss shows numerous impasses. The first part of the novel ends with the death of his boss and the intervention of the Israeli Mossad secret service out of the country for an atomic bomb. Nombeko, who helps this operation, ask your partner to let her leave the country and moved to Sweden.
While this account is exaggerated story, the author, in alternating chapters, also describes the crazy life of a Swedish couple whose husband, Ingmar Qvist, has a unique object in life: personally greet the King of Sweden. However, when the time comes, contempt of the king towards him makes it a rabid Republican. When you have twins, who puts the same name, Holger, prepares to help him exact his revenge.
In the second part, the fates of these children and those of Nombeko intersect with the atomic bomb in Sweden (wrong, has gone to this country rather than Israel). The crazy adventures happen way, with the same resources and effects grandfather who jumped out the window and took off.
By the novel also parade world leaders, secret services of several countries, the Swedish monarchy, with its weight in the development of end-part, life in racist South Africa and the social democratic Sweden, the Nordic country's daily life etc.. All is full of comic continuous hits, breaking the logical development dela frame. The main and secondary characters have to be dominated by any hobby, thus facilitating the emergence of humorous insanity. Nothing happens in a coherent and logical way, but the only ones that have some sanity and common sense are the skillful Nombeko Helger and one of the brothers.
As this sense of humor is very personal, I'm browser statistics sure there are readers who maybe enjoy the novel and others that, as happened with the previous novel, from page 50 will regret having started reading. I repeat that I think are some absurd, repetitive, false stories, which exploit a sense of easy, thick and obvious humor. And again the novel is long, very long.
Familiarize do novels, I read some reviews about these. No catches my attention. In addition, this type of easy humor, I do not like. The perpetrator decided to retest browser statistics the formula that worked with him in the first book, and do
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