Draghi which may be that he IS WORSE THAN HITLER with his new measure of negative interest rates a new (giant) step to put the middle classes in the EU (now accelerated) to rob their money. Said rightly Indeed, it is toe-curling (and criminal) how Nieuwsuur Thursday evening about (lye) reported, and it is good that 99% of the Dutch population total BRAINDEAD was created by the massive brainwashing operation for the last 40 years, as this was, say, 40 years happened since and bv Nieuwsuur had already existed and just as on post as last night there was a revolution in the Netherlands, yes, because when it was not even 99% of the population dull and apathetic made now, unfortunately, and therefore more no wrinkle.
The negative interest rate Draghi last week Thursday introduced concerns the additional reserves that banks have outstanding at the ECB. At present these are high. This is according to Dragi because banks are stingy with lending money. They prefer the stalls at the central bank. Draghi also defends his negative rate measure than with the argument that negative yields on ECB reserves the banks will push for more money and easier to lend. Example to the private sector, SMEs etc. faster
In the world of Draghi is thus a society where supply is automatically created when there is a supply. We have seen this for example in China where ALL CITIES ARE BUILT with the idea that people would come to buy as the houses stood. They naturally In Spain, the same thing happened, there are thousands of apartments, hotels etc was built without question because the philosopher was, if we create demand arises naturally california population the question. The result was a real estate crisis in China and Spain, for there was not a dog hotel, house or apartment could or wanted to pay and there was no question.
First, what about negative interest rates. A negative interest california population rate, but is not actually a tax. This tax is not paid by the banks but by the savers, also about even more later.
First, the reasoning that banks money to Tom, Dick, and Klaas Kees will start lending if they get a negative california population deposit rate because california population they earn money with the least money instead of paying money fast: This is a complete lie, and why:
Banks only lend money if they expect it to be repaid with interest. So they want to lend money only to creditworthy borrowers. This is currently california population the problem. Everyone is up to the neck in debt (individuals and companies) and especially for businesses, the fiat money explosion led to many TWIJVELACHTIGE BLOWN SECTORS throughout the economy going, so nobody knows what company it is profitable and what company does not. Banks know this and therefore will NOT start lending to businesses. Due to the negative rate of the ECB Moreover, banks are still not past the crisis, they are totally corrupt, and the capital requirements applying their also to just to all and sundry to borrow. Money from
There are two problems, though Dijsselbloem and associates lie to us that the crisis is over and every company and every individual in the starting blocks to going to borrow millions of dollars is not true, companies are severely damaged and not eager to be much to borrow (a few exceptions). The same is true for most households, they are busy trying to reduce their (irredeemable) indebtedness something and are not eager to go even deeper into debt. The second problem is that banks are extremely reluctant and unwilling california population to individuals and companies to borrow because they know very well that the private sector is still largely in deep debt puts money and that many companies will go bankrupt.
So unfortunately the story Nieuwsuur Thursday announced with much fanfare and hosanna is complete lie, it puts people on the wrong leg, and this is of course the whole point, we may not know what's really going on and what the real reasons and consequences of a negative interest rate measure. We might even be able to wake up scared and angry, no, that can not, we must continue to sleep.
Of course, the banks will parked at a negative interest rate at the ECB (required incidentally) reserves or look at alternative for their safe investments. A bank wants to eventually make a profit and testified not good business if you paid money instead of your money that you made money. And then Father GOVERNMENT screen. By this you can be safe to lend you money, because it is always california population clockwise or counterclockwise with interest because the income and assets of the entire population of the country this guarantee
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