Friday, May 22, 2015

Continue to run the next day through the Newcastle more. Continue to Taree and stayed there. The ne

the land down under | Hjördís & Siggi
Marg blessed dear readers nu is definitely real time for a new blog. This blog will be about our stay girls in Australia, but is written Patchy guatemala facts in Japan where I am currently located. Meginasteada is that we are new arrivals to be in China (Frau Sigrid will make China Stay Inside god understand just right for this blog), where most sites are forbidden guatemala facts in love love Kina (including existent pressure Goda).
But no fuck what Australia is Finasta Finasta country. Start at succeeding the last blog, Julie. After most airports drama in Bali, which was boring find, finally whole to Singapore. Never been so glad to land from flughraedslan min reached new heights in this flight, guatemala facts also played a significant hold that the first thing we saw was a Quiznos and that was really one of the sweetest meal with a girl 2 ingest nearly 3 weeks to say the least. Everything went well for regular on this brilliant airport was not suctioning spirit except what we Sigrid Lekve encounter more often than not in all possible guatemala facts a Intl all Asia. No order and no confusion. Then landed in the gentle Sydney 7:00 in the morning on March 25. Forum a hostel called Westend Backpackers hostel Finasta and leaf spot, got shocked with the price to come to this one great country. Daud The stated guatemala facts we went to the shower and placed us. Stroll through the streets of Sydney and went sweetest SUPER market that I've been (I was very happy as I am with supermarkads blows a high level) bought the dinner and went to pick up the kids at the train station because they Tokushima another guatemala facts flight but we chair. March 26 we went into the acclaimed Opera House in Sydney (in my opinion rather overrated and no network building but ... well).
That night tasted so for the first time the famous drink poverty backpacking alan Ghana, goons, which is in other words "white wine" in a box and costs not asshole (was getting the news that this is anyway not white and in this are egg include Well buid and done). Compared to prices in Australia this anyway 5L of "white friends" a ca. 10 aussi dollars which is like 1300 ISK. This may make people psychotic patient and semi kill a person inside but we have Viking blood so we drank temple like Viking and take these with honor. The next day for just rosa quiet and cute tjill i park Darling Harbour and went to the movies and then sewing form the largest guatemala facts IMAX screen in the world, hell fine. Forum actually a surustu image het Sea Rex and was pretty poor but we laughed again of the amazing game victories. Fellow 30 aussi dollars for 40 minutes acid (Nonna for pleasure). As preparations for nudlulif next weeks we had fajitas party in hostel kitchen.
Woke up a excessive interest stil precise time on 28.mars to download Spaceshipcampervan-into our after 20 minutes stroll guatemala facts sweetheart love our backpacks and professional draw card for yours truly ended up in a wrong place (take that mistake on me but only this). guatemala facts The greatest trouble in the world, kids (Minke, Heiðdís and Nonni) were $ 100 taxi and we Siggi caught the greatest train mess in the world eeeeeen a end we found a leidarenda and colors eyes a beautiful camp conservations our men. They took the names Lotus and Crion. Our first test drive on petrol station that was pure entertainment to themselves but Siggi was no longer used left single sign inside and looked like a hero (EDA like ..). I bought matarbirgdir local super market (oatmeal for the first time been able to find and not white bread and ordinary ham greatest joy of my life) and placed so off in 17 days roadtrippid our East Coast of Australia.
The first property in our fillings sa worst since we were the only people there except for one very peculiar man who lived probably in there in the trailer, and was probably trying to reach the aliens based on the sounds that came from him. What topped the horrifying cold and bad night was that when we finished cooking ourselves like this gourmet burgers like most camping professional one is the song I was about to take a sip ur orange juice cup arm when this handsome HUGE spider was ready to come in thus well above the in and I is not that I have never drawn such a disgusting lot in life. Scared and sar logdumst the first time up camper weaned (actually after we cram us all together guatemala facts in one space and watching PADI video our Julie, Elva, Sissi, Sonda and Ingibjörg - a masterpiece) and churches. Slept like a combined 3 hours that night. Not a good start but all is saved well that ends well (and clearly starts horrifying).
Continue to run the next day through the Newcastle more. Continue to Taree and stayed there. The next day was promised to BYRON BAY run like heroes forward guatemala facts through a lot of places where the recovery in Byron Bay (Siggi brilliant left side driver

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