Jidova the secret
Nov analyzes WWF, shows that the population tropickch census 2011 kind steeply descending, zatmco nroky we will prod the human resources zaznamenvaj rocket rst - and are about 50 percent You, not the Earth is capable of Unst. This gave a revealing fact, the newly vydn Living Planet Report 2010 - nejvznamnj At first, the health of the planet. At first i values of the ecological footprint of individual ground: esk Republic is among the worst.
Published first vychz ALWAYS be once every two years. census 2011 Tentokrt it developed two Prestin vdeck organization Zoological Society of London and Global Footprint Network. Pouva the VN index evaluated planet called. Living Planet Index. This index assesses the state of the eight population of thousands of VCE 2500 not kind. Index shows a decrease by 30 percent since 1970, Pius nejvce postieny the tropics, vykazujc a 60 percent decline. "Alarmujc MRA is ztrty biodiversity vnzkopjmovch, tropickch zemch, zatmco in the developed world of income in falenmr her, 'pohnnm' excessive consumption and high carbon emissions uhliitho, "to Jim Leape, Director generln mezinrodnho protection skho sdruen WWF International. At first, certain shows promising glued population nkterch kind vmrnm zempisnmpsmu that occurred so thanks to ochranskmu forces census 2011 and glued in the control zneitn and waste. On the other hand, decreased monitoring of the population sladkovodnch tropickch type tm by 70 percent - VCE not any species of land in and appreciate. Ecological Footprint, one of the first indicator pouvanch vtto shows e nae poptvka after prodnch zdrojch since 1966 and zdvojnsobila census 2011 Today we need it for n The Life equivalent of 1.5 planets. If we pokraovat in consumption pesahujc limits of the Earth, in 2030 vyuvat capacity of the two zemkoul to cover nae ron desired. "Top" 10 down with nejvt ecological footprint per person census 2011 is nsledujc: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Qatar, Dnsko, Belgium, stty, Estonia, Canada, Austrlia, Kuwait and Ireland. esk republika census 2011 is now vzvsu - the (sadly) 14th mst of 153 Veche ground. "At first, shows that pokraovn souasnho Developments of consumption would lead ns to the point where nen of a return," added Leape. "If kad il as prmrn population of the United arabskch EMIRATES or USA, it would be to support the WORLD population zapoteb 4.5 zemkoule. " Andreas Beckmann of the WWF to the "esk census 2011 republika sure nen poor country, but nen not so rich that it could umstn vysvtlit a high pjmy and Equal rozmail of consumption. Explanation us look at how inefficient Esko vyuv energy sources we will prod i gave.'s where I was looking for ways knprav. " Main Vinkem ekologickho Peten planet census 2011 is uhlk. Alarmujc jedenctinsobn Zven uhlkov on track for poslednch five years means that today uhlk zodpovd for VCE than half the worldwide ecological footprint. Only 33 OECD country sdruujc richest stty, TVO tm 40 percent of the worldwide footprint. In rostoucch ekonomikch - Brazlie, Russia, India and (oznaovanch BRIC) - bag ije dvakrt so many people not in zemch OECD. At first, shows that evolution is aktuln pivedl the trajectory, which may OECD "pedehnat" if tto paths of development will be to hold a chuck. "Ground, which udruj high rove St. zvislosti to zdrojch, Oxalic acid Honey sv own economy to ohroen," census 2011 He told Mathis Wackernagel, President of the Global Footprint Network, which years before the concept of ecological footprint defined. "Earth, who are able to provide the highest quality of life for minimlnch ecological nklad, census 2011 by contrast, not only serves census 2011 globlnmu zjmu, but will forage in a world of limited resources, census 2011 "he added. "In esk companys there stle feel e is thee NCO build - dlnice, supermarkets, census 2011 parkovit aged and the like. And if not, then nm will Daito badly, "says Veronica odbornk Ekologickho Institute census 2011 Mojmr Vlan dodv" Domnvm to e this impression is fully Falena , e budovn itself on Sat nepin dn TST, but not sure pin zkzu prod. behind the crisis of biodiversity are not responsibly census 2011 date only those who kcej tropical forests, but also those who uns betonuj landscape. " At first nastiuje een Necessary to keep bikes safe that the Earth kidnapped globln population, he pedpokld, No. 2050, p exceeded devt billion. Noting the zsadn Meanings, who sniovn for the environmental footprint of owner changes in canteens and energy consumption, as well as in Zven Carry and investment in naeho prodnho kapitlu. "The challenge pedstavovan Living Planet Report is clear," He told Leape. "Ventilate MusMA najt manner, as necessary, to meet the growing and stle VCE prosperujc census 2011 population in mezch source tto planet. Kad brand s mus najt ways to LPE decisions about what and how JME vyrbme vyuvme and energy. " Cel first and put in anglitin documents are available at: http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/all_publications/living_planet_report/ information thirds below: WWF: Andreas Beckmann , +43676842728216, abeckmann@wwfdcp.or