Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The permanent and actual population associated with the categories of temporarily absent and tempor

Population figures are needed in solving israel population a number israel population of issues of economic and cultural construction. The population is constantly changing as a result of births and deaths, as well as in connection with the movement of people in the territory. Therefore, for proper census of the population is first necessary to define the limits of the territory in which it is carried out, and set the time to which he is confined. In the study of population size and composition are widely used method of groups.
There are present and the resident population. By the present population consists of persons who live in the locality at the time of registration, regardless of their place of residence. By the resident population are those who permanently live in the village, including temporarily absent.
The permanent and actual population associated with the categories of temporarily absent and temporarily living at this address. Among temporarily absent are persons who left their places of permanent residence for a period not exceeding 6 months. Among temporarily living at the address are those who live in this village temporarily, not more than 6 months, and have a permanent residence elsewhere.
Knowing the population, temporary absentees and temporarily living at the address, we can calculate the permanent population. Resident population israel population (N n) is equal to the actual population (NN), a decrease in the number of persons israel population living temporarily israel population (H ch) and an increase in the number of residents are temporarily absent (H IN):
In the country as a whole number of actual and permanent population of almost the same. Within the country: the republics, regions, districts, individual settlements, as a rule, the number of resident and actual population differs.
For example, in the calculation of trade development, israel population urban transport should be based on the number of actual population; when determining the size of housing, construction israel population of schools, kindergartens, israel population creches - of the resident population.
When processing of statistical data characterizing the distribution of the population of the country, calculated the population density, israel population the average number of residents israel population per 1 sq km (the average density of population in the USSR was in 1981. 12 people per 1 square kilometer).
Are important data on the distribution of the population into urban and rural. Urban population growth is due to natural increase, migration of rural people to the cities and the transformation of human settlements in the city. Urban population growth is a clear indication of the industrial development of the country.
The age structure of the population is characterized by a specific weight of each age group in the general population. israel population There are progressive and regressive age structure of the population. With progressive age structure of population younger ages greater proportion of older ages. If the regressive structure of the total population of young age dominated by the share of the elderly. israel population
Reproduction (gravity) of the population is characterized by indicators of fertility, mortality, marriage, divorce. Having data on the number of births and number of deaths for a certain period israel population of time, we can calculate the natural (pure) population growth. It shows how the number of births exceeds the number of deaths in a given period of time. However, israel population the absolute number of births and deaths few characterizes the processes of reproduction of the population. With, for example, the data that were born in the same city for 900 years, and with drugom- 2,250, you can not say that in the second city of the birth rate is 2.5 times higher than in the first. For this we need to know at what population were born and 900 people at a par- 2,250 since ceteris paribus, where the population was more and more there is to be born. Therefore, to characterize the natural movement of the population, along with the absolute need to use indicators relative values that will show how many were born or died per 1000 people. These figures are called the coefficients of natural movement and are calculated in ppm - .
By factors vital concerns of vital population, which is calculated by dividing the number of births to the number of deaths during the same period. This ratio is also called the vital index Pokrovsky.
Statistics of population studies fertility, mortality, marriage not only in relation to the total average population, but also in relation israel population to individual age and sex and social groups, so-called private israel population or special factors. They are necessary for a comprehensive analysis of population reproduction. For example, along with the general fertility rate is calculated spe

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