Aggressiv ateisme « cifre Snaphanen
Condells religionskritik sidder ofte lige i øjet, men den har det tilfæles med Richard Dawkins, cifre at den bundter alle religioner cifre sammen for at være på den sikre side, man skulle jo nødigt være en fob . Ligesom vores 24-års regel gælder alle og ikke kun dem, der foranledigede den. Den svenske variant lyder sådan her: “Allahs lilla snopp” och “Gud faders impotens”. Men SVT gengiver selvfølgelig ikke det hele, det er her på You Tube. Velbekomme.
En lille lynindføring i afstemningen i Schweiz i morgen. Som man ser skal man ikke tage minareterne for bogstaveligt, de er en anledning for schweizerne til at begynde at diskutere, hvad der sker med deres land. Islam har medført spændinger i landet, som også i Tyskland, selvom Per Øhrgaard, der burde vide bedre, jævnligt hævder i P 1 at det ikke er nogen problemer der. Enhver der kan tysk, ved det er politiserende røgslør, jævnfør senest Thilo Sarrazin affæren .
Up until recently, Muslims living in Switzerland had mostly been keeping a low profile, preferring to practice cifre their religion discretely in nondescript mosques. But over the past several years the number cifre of mosques has mushroomed; there now are some 200 mosques and up to 1,000 prayer rooms dotted around the country. And although only four of those have minarets (plans to build a half-dozen more minarets are currently pending approval), observers say the minarets symbolize the growing self-confidence of Switzerland s Muslim community.
Indeed, the Muslim population in Switzerland has more than quintupled since 1980, and now numbers about 400,000, or roughly 5 percent of the population. Most Muslims living in Switzerland are of Turkish or Balkan origin, with a small minority from the Arab world. Many of them are second and third generation immigrants who are now firmly establishing themselves in Switzerland.
The new Muslim demographic reality is raising tensions across large parts of Swiss society, especially as conservative Muslims cifre become more assertive in their demands for greater recognition of their faith. In the end, even if Swiss voters reject the anti-minaret referendum, the SVP will still be able to claim victory for having drawn the public s attention to the limits of multiculturalism. Indeed, Swiss voters across the political spectrum seem to agree that Muslim immigrants need to be better assimilated and socially integrated. They are also beginning to understand that the debate about Islam in Switzerland (and Europe) is just beginning. Switzerland s Minaret War . (Nu skal Roskilde, af alle steder have en muslimsk storambassade: Roskilde får stormoské .)
A right-wing campaign to outlaw minarets on mosques in a referendum being held in Switzerland today has received an unlikely boost from radical feminists arguing that the tower-like structures are male power symbols and reminders of Islam s oppression of women.
If we give them a minaret, they ll have us all wearing burqas, said Julia Werner, a local housewife. Before you know it, we ll have sharia law and women being stoned to death in our streets. We won t be Swiss any more. Tatiana, a teacher who had previously voted for the left, was quoted in a newspaper as saying she would vote for the minaret ban as she could no longer bear being mistreated and terrorised by boys who believe women are worthless . Times Online
Når mainstreammedierne groft misinformerer om eller fortier vigtige samfundsspørgsmål, er bloggeres arbejde ikke “en form for intellektuelt tyveri”, det er demokratisk selvforsvar. Prøv f. eks. at søge i Infomedia på islamiske termer som taqiyya og kitman, eller på Antifascistisk Aktion. Resultatet er mildest talt pauvert. Climategate/Warmergate bliver en afgørende prøve på græsrodsmediernes gennemslagskraft cifre (LFPC).
And the whole system is based on a kind of intellectual theft. Internet aggregators (who link to news they don’t produce) and bloggers would have little to collect or comment upon without the costly enterprise of newsgathering and investigative reporting. The old-media dinosaurs remain cifre the basis for the entire media food chain.
That’s laughably untrue in the Warmergate story. If you rely on the lavishly remunerated “climate correspondents” of the big newspapers and networks, you’ll know nothing about the Climate Research Unit scandals – just the business-as-usual drivel about Boston being underwater by 2011 . Indeed, even when a prominent media warm-monger addresses the issue, the newspaper prefers to reprint cifre a month-old column predating the scandal . If you follow online analysis from obscure websites on the fringes of the map, you’ll know what’s going on. If you go to the convenience store and buy today’s newspaper, you won’t. That’s the problem. [...] Mark Steyn: What Story?
Folkpartisten Cecilla Malmsten har fået posten som EU-kommis
Condells religionskritik sidder ofte lige i øjet, men den har det tilfæles med Richard Dawkins, cifre at den bundter alle religioner cifre sammen for at være på den sikre side, man skulle jo nødigt være en fob . Ligesom vores 24-års regel gælder alle og ikke kun dem, der foranledigede den. Den svenske variant lyder sådan her: “Allahs lilla snopp” och “Gud faders impotens”. Men SVT gengiver selvfølgelig ikke det hele, det er her på You Tube. Velbekomme.
En lille lynindføring i afstemningen i Schweiz i morgen. Som man ser skal man ikke tage minareterne for bogstaveligt, de er en anledning for schweizerne til at begynde at diskutere, hvad der sker med deres land. Islam har medført spændinger i landet, som også i Tyskland, selvom Per Øhrgaard, der burde vide bedre, jævnligt hævder i P 1 at det ikke er nogen problemer der. Enhver der kan tysk, ved det er politiserende røgslør, jævnfør senest Thilo Sarrazin affæren .
Up until recently, Muslims living in Switzerland had mostly been keeping a low profile, preferring to practice cifre their religion discretely in nondescript mosques. But over the past several years the number cifre of mosques has mushroomed; there now are some 200 mosques and up to 1,000 prayer rooms dotted around the country. And although only four of those have minarets (plans to build a half-dozen more minarets are currently pending approval), observers say the minarets symbolize the growing self-confidence of Switzerland s Muslim community.
Indeed, the Muslim population in Switzerland has more than quintupled since 1980, and now numbers about 400,000, or roughly 5 percent of the population. Most Muslims living in Switzerland are of Turkish or Balkan origin, with a small minority from the Arab world. Many of them are second and third generation immigrants who are now firmly establishing themselves in Switzerland.
The new Muslim demographic reality is raising tensions across large parts of Swiss society, especially as conservative Muslims cifre become more assertive in their demands for greater recognition of their faith. In the end, even if Swiss voters reject the anti-minaret referendum, the SVP will still be able to claim victory for having drawn the public s attention to the limits of multiculturalism. Indeed, Swiss voters across the political spectrum seem to agree that Muslim immigrants need to be better assimilated and socially integrated. They are also beginning to understand that the debate about Islam in Switzerland (and Europe) is just beginning. Switzerland s Minaret War . (Nu skal Roskilde, af alle steder have en muslimsk storambassade: Roskilde får stormoské .)
A right-wing campaign to outlaw minarets on mosques in a referendum being held in Switzerland today has received an unlikely boost from radical feminists arguing that the tower-like structures are male power symbols and reminders of Islam s oppression of women.
If we give them a minaret, they ll have us all wearing burqas, said Julia Werner, a local housewife. Before you know it, we ll have sharia law and women being stoned to death in our streets. We won t be Swiss any more. Tatiana, a teacher who had previously voted for the left, was quoted in a newspaper as saying she would vote for the minaret ban as she could no longer bear being mistreated and terrorised by boys who believe women are worthless . Times Online
Når mainstreammedierne groft misinformerer om eller fortier vigtige samfundsspørgsmål, er bloggeres arbejde ikke “en form for intellektuelt tyveri”, det er demokratisk selvforsvar. Prøv f. eks. at søge i Infomedia på islamiske termer som taqiyya og kitman, eller på Antifascistisk Aktion. Resultatet er mildest talt pauvert. Climategate/Warmergate bliver en afgørende prøve på græsrodsmediernes gennemslagskraft cifre (LFPC).
And the whole system is based on a kind of intellectual theft. Internet aggregators (who link to news they don’t produce) and bloggers would have little to collect or comment upon without the costly enterprise of newsgathering and investigative reporting. The old-media dinosaurs remain cifre the basis for the entire media food chain.
That’s laughably untrue in the Warmergate story. If you rely on the lavishly remunerated “climate correspondents” of the big newspapers and networks, you’ll know nothing about the Climate Research Unit scandals – just the business-as-usual drivel about Boston being underwater by 2011 . Indeed, even when a prominent media warm-monger addresses the issue, the newspaper prefers to reprint cifre a month-old column predating the scandal . If you follow online analysis from obscure websites on the fringes of the map, you’ll know what’s going on. If you go to the convenience store and buy today’s newspaper, you won’t. That’s the problem. [...] Mark Steyn: What Story?
Folkpartisten Cecilla Malmsten har fået posten som EU-kommis
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