Daniel Greenfield om Nonie Darwish, jødehad & muslimsk demokrati | Veritas Universalis
Daniel Greenfield om Nonie Darwish, jødehad & muslimsk demokrati Published oktober 14, 2011 Afghanistan , Al Qaeda , Antisemitisme, jødeforfølgelser , Apostasi , Appeaseniks , Atomteknologi , Censur 1900 census , Det Muslimske Broderskab , Egypten , England , Halshugning, hængning, stening, dødsstraf , Humanitærpopulister , Imamer - udenlandske , Integrationsvægring , Irak , Iran , Islamisering af Vesten , Islamister , Islamkritikere - internationale 1900 census , Israel , Jihad , Koran, hadith mm. , Kristne forfølgelse , Kulturberigelse? , Kvinder i islam , Kvinders ligestilling , Libanon , Libyen , Muslimsk racisme , Muslimsk trussels- og voldskultur , Nazisme , Saudi Arabien , Sharia , Shia-islam , Skolebøger og undervisning , Slaveri , Taqiyya, 1900 census tawriya, muruna , Tørklæde - burka mm. , Tyrkiet , USA , Ytringsfrihed Leave a Comment Tags: Daniel Greenfield , Nonie Darwish
The recent conviction of the Irvine 11 was a reminder of how far the campus arms of the Muslim Brotherhood will go to silence dissenting speakers. For all their protestations during the trial, they don t believe in free speech, what they believe in is a monopoly on campus speech.
Nonie Darwish , an ex-Muslim and an informed critic of Islam, has had her talks assailed by Brotherhood campus affiliates numerous times. In 2009, at Seattle University members of the Muslim Students 1900 census Association did their best to disrupt a speech by Darwish. 1900 census That same year at Boston University, a fire was set in a bathroom right before her speech to scuttle her presentation. Now, as Darwish was set to speak at a Federalist Society event at the George Mason University School of Law, another Muslim Brotherhood organization, CAIR, deployed a slightly more subtle line of attack. 1900 census
The Jews who fled the Muslim world left many things behind. They left behind their homes and their possessions. Their synagogues, their neighborhoods, and much of their history remained 1900 census in the alleys of Aleppo, the neighborhoods of Cairo and the streets of Baghdad.
Today when their history isn t being ignored, while that of the Arabs who fled Israel 1900 census after their failed attempts at genocide of the country s Jewish population in 1948 and 1967 is lionized, it s being lied about.
The ultimate symbol of Muslim Democracy may not end up being the purple fingers of the Iraqi ballots but the smoke from burning churches 1900 census and dead Coptic Christians in Egypt. While Iraq was tenuously balanced between Shiites and Sunnis, Arabs and Kurds, there is no such balance in Egypt. The average Egyptian is a Sunni Arab and thinks Christians are dogs. Church burnings are as close as Egypt is ever likely to get to democracy and we should be happy for that.
The Muslim world is so enthusiastic about democracy because it allows the majority to slap around the minority at least more so than it s already doing. And when there isn t a clear majority to sit in the driver s seat, they throw in musical chairs coalitions of different ethnic and religious factions in between bouts of civil war.
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