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until a few days ago, that there is already a European secret society of spies for several years whose aim is mainly opponents of the EU and Euro-critics. The group includes not only employees of security agencies from EU countries. Even Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine at the table when it comes to the fight against "politically motivated crime" EU-related. The concern that masses of people in many countries at the same time go on the streets and the governments could be dangerous, is currently the main theme of these discussions. While meeting in the secret group, which meets mainly representatives of police authorities, it goes into an even far more mysterious working group especially for exchanging the latest developments nationalities in the field of surveillance technology. In addition to the EU Member States then sit representatives from Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States at the table, in addition, produce companies and research institutes monitoring technology. The working groups are transnational teams who watch such as potential alleged ringleader of internal disturbances and to inject contact nationalities persons in their environment.
But what are these many well-disguised secret organizations achieve in practice? After the severe riots in recent months in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania and several nationalities days ending violent unrest in August 2011 in British metropolitan areas, anti-militarist and anarchist, globalization nationalities and bank-critical groups as well as alliances of euro and EU opponents considered a potential threat to the internal security. Read in plain text, which average citizens are already being observed, where the special operations forces are trained to quell unrest expected, where one would expect of a civil war and that refugees will exist within Europe.
Read more explosive information in the new KOPP Exclusive. nationalities KOPP Exclusive is generally not sent to the press and is intended solely for your personal information. Each issue is thoroughly researched, written in plain language and sets standards for critical information service that is circulated only among selected readers and to relate only by subscription.
In the current issue you can find independent background information on the following topics, among others: Germany: Ministry of Finance prepares account lockouts before population in sight: EU prepares to crackdown on unrest before I, I, I: The greed of journalists global warming? It will probably be turned nationalities cooler on earth
Self-sufficiency from the garden: Build your own private Noah's Ark! Editorial We live in a time of great crises. The world economy is on the ground, the confidence in the financial world is shaken, the savings are not safe anymore, the job market is deteriorating. The police feared in German cities unrest and civil war-like conditions. Politicians act more helpless in the face of more ...
Europe: wars, civil wars and the threat of takeovers by the military Torben Grombery Not only the German Chancellor Angela nationalities Merkel (CDU) has warned in recent weeks in the event of worsening of the euro-crisis against possible new wars in Europe. This may sound absurd at first glance, but is by no means improbable. more ...
+ + + Military offensive: U.S. Senator McCain calls for air strikes on Syria + + + snowfall: 240,000 households in France and Belgium nationalities without electricity + + + Greece: Open threats against haircut Holdout + + + Editor more ...
Hollywood as a psychological climate catastrophe: A non-speech delivered Gerhard Wisnewski from 2 to 5 February 2012, a conference nationalities about Hollywood, his films and his propaganda nationalities was held in Tehran. Title: "Hollywoodism". In addition to many international filmmakers also KOPP-author Gerhard Wisnewski was invited. But one look at the website of the conference convinced Wisnewski fact that he can not go there. For the more ...
Proof: cancer industry wants no cure PF Louis at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, a safe and effective cure for cancer nationalities was discovered with a drug that was previously against rare metabolism
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