Dr. Marx described the regulations pursued by other kuppaamista population of austin tx somewhat in the way that "capital is dead work that way vampires live only by sucking living population of austin tx labor, and lives the more, the more it will absorb it."
Protect your savings valuuttapaolta intention has been to write the euro crisis and the European stability mechanism for months, but it was only the start of Greece from the printing works to force me to be timely. European Stability Mechanism wrote earlier also Osmo Soini. I am not saying that I would know with certainty the fate of the euro, and guess really matter what anyone else would claim - right down to the Finnish Prime Minister. The euro has been a really nice thing when I was able to buy things from abroad without paying commission for currency conversions. Now there is still time to prepare, and it will likely be worth even if the euro does not weimartasavallan would experience hyperinflation. The euro has already exceeded the confidence roller coaster the top of people's minds, and now I can only go down. The only question is how fast we go.
It's time to invest in other euronsa, stable population of austin tx currencies or fixed easily liquidated (but realizable) population of austin tx assets. Do not save the euro in cash or savings or bank account - it may mean that you become very expensive. Euro rescue population of austin tx is difficult simply because enough population of austin tx people believe that it does not succeed, and the market will behave accordingly. - Osmo Soini our blog. This is a question primarily a psychological phenomenon, not mathematical. Mathematically, the view, the Greek crisis is not a terribly serious matter. In people's minds it is. It leads the market behavior of human deformation, population of austin tx because average people do not behave rationally on the market. Companies have the better, and those who can afford to hire people to monitor their assets. I recommend to convert all but the monthly usage reserved to another format. The early bird gets the worm, because the autumn the winter is likely to accelerating the exchange of exhaust may drive the euro to fall slowly but surely, despite the European Stability Mechanism and increase the price of investment targets. At the same time the common tax dollars are used more and more in eurosaldojen rescue spins. When the minds of people confidence in the euro as a stable currency is lost, it will also decrease population of austin tx the demand for foreign exchange. It will inevitably lead to decline in value of the euro when the euro is less valuable and rising prices in the shops. In the end, inflation will erode your savings. population of austin tx ESM initiatives such as are ways to slow down the fall of the euro, so to be expected is not necessarily two decimal inflation, but it does not solve the fundamental problems of EMU, the private banking system. History does not repeat itself but it riimaa.
Source: Statistics: Currency crisis will disappear ordinary consumers, who save an unstable currency and equity investors to be able to win mm. inflation to impoverish desperate to buy the property for a song easily liquidated assets. Banking crises is not a natural disaster, but the banking business of long-term result of sharp practice, with winners and losers. It is a direct income transfer from taxpayers corporate giants. Euro Inflation is likely to make lainoistasi cheap because your income will almost certainly do not rise faster than inflation at the donkey eats. So do not be more into debt. Be happy to take care of your debt off, the interest rates may go to gather speed. Do not Buy: The commodities for which demand will focus on "good times" - such as costume jewelry, art objects, or luxury apartments Ownership items that lose their value quickly -. Ownership Items such as electronics, which are difficult to be converted into cash quickly land or forest if you do not know anything about the commercial value of the development I'm not going to tell invest in any specific sites, because population of austin tx I do not take responsibility population of austin tx for any virhesiirroistanne. Shares and funds in which the euro crisis will not affect the one option. The housing market in Finland while enjoying a huge bubble, so it may behave population of austin tx unpredictably time currency crisis. In other currencies population of austin tx can save you, and, for example. population of austin tx The Swiss franc and Norwegian krone have been popular in recent times. population of austin tx Some of the more adventurous investing population of austin tx in various experimental sites such as mm. investment in gold and silver. The worst experimental buy bitcoins, the value of which has again started to rise. Time will tell how they behave in the market. The craziest are building a cellar full of sugar. Once you have the capital to catch some assets held in, you can collapse the euro at the time to buy a cheap property from those who have devoted population of austin tx their capital. First, you should still protect your savings from collapse. PS: Rank metals are generally not taxable tangible personal property, but the property, so it will not affect your entitlement to such assistance.