Drought Risk in China put on alert to nearly a third of healthy poboacin population of brisbane amis serious ro the Yangtze in 50 years and affects a basin in which they live 400 people millns The biggest lake of sweet pas est 10%
The middle and lower bed of the river Yangtze population of brisbane (China) contained wing suffering worst drought in 50 years, a fact that left 34 people millns problems with water supply and forced to cancel many parts of the basin the traditional races of the Festival of Boats Dragn, one of the most important celebracins in Chinese culture.
As reported yesterday the official newspaper China Daily, in places like Honghu in central Chinese province of Hubei, these races were canceled, as many of the surrounding rivers estn completely dry and the main lake near the wing surface reduced a third of the usual. The festival, held on the fifth of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar (this year 6 xuo), a celebracinmis TPICO southern China to the north, and this ocasin millns 400 residents in the basin of the Yangtze population of brisbane recbena problems with water supply and their crops completely ruined.
The Chinese government, meanwhile, tries to reassure those affected, assuring that the drought will not affect the price of cereal in a pas who for half a year suffer a strong inflationary presin. The lack of water dried up almost 90 percent population of brisbane of the Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater in China, and 50 percent of the second largest, called Dongting.
This severe lack of water affects a basin in which they live millns population of brisbane 400 people, almost a third of the Chinese poboacin population of brisbane while situacin est being dramtica especially in the provinces of the middle course and low (Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi, population of brisbane Zhejiang population of brisbane and Jiangsu), where rainfall was between 40 and 50% lower than normal in 2011. In addition to the mentioned 34 millns population of brisbane people, 950,000 head of cattle and 6.96 millns of hectreas of farmland, equivalent to 5 percent of arable land in giant hdrocotyle, population of brisbane were directly affected, according to official figures.
Localities like Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, began to ration water supplies. That way, affected your neighbors you have it in s healthy taps for five hours to the, according to the newspaper Global Times.
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