Għotjiet ta’ karita’ għall-vittmi taċ-ċiklun fi Myanmar at Gozo Diocese
Home Hierarchy His Holiness Pope Francis The Apostolic Nuncio Communications Maltese percentage of a number Episcopal Conference Members Commissions, Councils and other Bodies Communications percentage of a number Bishops Mario Grech Appointments Circulars Homilies Letters Messages Pastoral Letters Speeches Nicholas J. Cauchi Circulars percentage of a number Ad Clerum Joseph Pace Michael Gonzi Ioannes Maria Camilleri Petrus Pace Antonius Grech Delicata Testaferrata percentage of a number Michael Franciscus Buttigieg percentage of a number Offices Diocesan Archives Churches Parishes Fontana Għajnsielem Għarb Għasri percentage of a number Kerċem Munxar Nadur Qala Rabat - Katidral Rabat - San Ġorġ San Lawrenz Sannat percentage of a number Xagħra Xewkija Żebbuġ National Sanctuary Churches and Chapels Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Nadur Immaculate Conception of Our Lady (Tal-Kunċizzjoni) St Anne Chapel - Dwejra, San Lawrenz Our Lady of Lourdes - Għajnsielem Our Lady of Loreto - Għajnsielem St. Anthony of Padova - Għajnsielem St. Demetrius - Għarb St. Publius - Għarb Visitation of Our Lady (Taż-Żejt) - Għarb Patronage percentage of a number of Our Lady Basilica (Tal-Wied) - Għasri Sacred Heart of Jesus - Nadur John Paul II Institute for the Family (Ta’ Kana) - Victoria Carmelite Home - Victoria Don Bosco Oratory - Victoria Good Sheperd (Taċ-Ċawla) Oratory of Mary Help of Christians Nativity of Our Lady (Savina) - Victoria Our Lady of Divine Grace (Tal-Grazzja) - Victoria Our Lady of Manresa (San Kalċidonju) - Victoria Immaculate Conception of Our Lady (Tal-Blat) - Qala Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Ta’ Hamet) Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Ta’ l-istilla) - Victoria Our Lady of Pompei (Dominican Sisters) - Victoria Saint Augustine Saint Francis - Victoria Saint James (San Ġakbu) - Victoria Saint Joseph within The Citadel Saint Martha (Ta’ L-Għonq) percentage of a number - Victoria St Mary’s Cemetery Seminary Saint Anthony Abbot Jesus of Nazareth (In-Nazzarenu) - Xagħra St. Paul’s Shipwreck Our Lady of Mercy (Tal-Ħniena) - Xewkija Cemetery Chapel - Żebbuġ Stella Maris (Missionary Society of St. Paul) - Żebbuġ Lourdes Home Clergy Diocesan Priests living in Gozo Diocesan Priests Abroad Institutions Gozitan Religous Male Overseas Institutes of Consecrated and Apostolic Life Female Institutes Male Institutes Secular Institutes Lay Institutions percentage of a number and Movements Grupp Missjunarju Għawdxi M.U.S.E.U.M - Female Section The Legion of Mary Holy Name Society Retreat Houses Seminary Services Diocesan Publications Bullettin percentage of a number Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex Vox Fratrum percentage of a number Tenders Masses Sunday Mass Schedule Weekdays Mass Schedule Religous Services in English About Contact Us Historical Note The State of the Diocese Pope Pius IX and the Diocese The Chancery The Cathedral About Gozo
Id-Djoċesi ta Għawdex permezz ta l-uffiċċju tal-Promozzjoni Umana għamlet sejħa għall-għajnuna lill-vittmi taċ-Ċiklun Nargis li laqat il-popolazzjoni ta Myanmar fil-bidu ta Mejju ta din is-sena. Dan iċ-ċiklun hu l-agħar diżastru naturali percentage of a number li laqat lil dan il-pajjiż, u ħalla warajh mewt u ħerba kbira. Is-somma miġbura mill-parroċċi u l-knejjes f Għawdex għal dan il-għan kienet ta 10,371.24. Din is-somma ntbagħtet lill-Caritas Internationalis permezz tal-Caritas Malta.
Mons Isqof Mario Grech irringrazzja lill-poplu Għawdxi għall-ġenerożità tiegħu b risq il-vittmi taċ-ċiklu, percentage of a number ġenerożità li dejjem wera ma min huwa fil-bżonn. Dawk li għadhom jixtiequ jikkontribwixxu għal dan il-għan jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lil Dun Mikiel Borg fl-uffiċċju tal-Promozzjoni Umana li jinsab fil-Kurja ta Għawdex.
Recent Posts Papa Franġisku jagħraf il-virtujiet erojċi ta’ Madre Margerita De Brincat Messaġġ tal-Isqof Grech fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Franġisk de Sales, patrun tal-ġurnalisti It-tmin anniversarju mill-konsagrazzjoni episkopali tal-Isqof Mario Grech Signing of the Third Additional Protocol between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta Bullettin tal-Ħadd - 26 ta Jannar percentage of a number 2014
Created by Rose Anne Xerri
This percentage of a number site is sponsored by HSBC
Home Hierarchy His Holiness Pope Francis The Apostolic Nuncio Communications Maltese percentage of a number Episcopal Conference Members Commissions, Councils and other Bodies Communications percentage of a number Bishops Mario Grech Appointments Circulars Homilies Letters Messages Pastoral Letters Speeches Nicholas J. Cauchi Circulars percentage of a number Ad Clerum Joseph Pace Michael Gonzi Ioannes Maria Camilleri Petrus Pace Antonius Grech Delicata Testaferrata percentage of a number Michael Franciscus Buttigieg percentage of a number Offices Diocesan Archives Churches Parishes Fontana Għajnsielem Għarb Għasri percentage of a number Kerċem Munxar Nadur Qala Rabat - Katidral Rabat - San Ġorġ San Lawrenz Sannat percentage of a number Xagħra Xewkija Żebbuġ National Sanctuary Churches and Chapels Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Nadur Immaculate Conception of Our Lady (Tal-Kunċizzjoni) St Anne Chapel - Dwejra, San Lawrenz Our Lady of Lourdes - Għajnsielem Our Lady of Loreto - Għajnsielem St. Anthony of Padova - Għajnsielem St. Demetrius - Għarb St. Publius - Għarb Visitation of Our Lady (Taż-Żejt) - Għarb Patronage percentage of a number of Our Lady Basilica (Tal-Wied) - Għasri Sacred Heart of Jesus - Nadur John Paul II Institute for the Family (Ta’ Kana) - Victoria Carmelite Home - Victoria Don Bosco Oratory - Victoria Good Sheperd (Taċ-Ċawla) Oratory of Mary Help of Christians Nativity of Our Lady (Savina) - Victoria Our Lady of Divine Grace (Tal-Grazzja) - Victoria Our Lady of Manresa (San Kalċidonju) - Victoria Immaculate Conception of Our Lady (Tal-Blat) - Qala Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Ta’ Hamet) Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (Ta’ l-istilla) - Victoria Our Lady of Pompei (Dominican Sisters) - Victoria Saint Augustine Saint Francis - Victoria Saint James (San Ġakbu) - Victoria Saint Joseph within The Citadel Saint Martha (Ta’ L-Għonq) percentage of a number - Victoria St Mary’s Cemetery Seminary Saint Anthony Abbot Jesus of Nazareth (In-Nazzarenu) - Xagħra St. Paul’s Shipwreck Our Lady of Mercy (Tal-Ħniena) - Xewkija Cemetery Chapel - Żebbuġ Stella Maris (Missionary Society of St. Paul) - Żebbuġ Lourdes Home Clergy Diocesan Priests living in Gozo Diocesan Priests Abroad Institutions Gozitan Religous Male Overseas Institutes of Consecrated and Apostolic Life Female Institutes Male Institutes Secular Institutes Lay Institutions percentage of a number and Movements Grupp Missjunarju Għawdxi M.U.S.E.U.M - Female Section The Legion of Mary Holy Name Society Retreat Houses Seminary Services Diocesan Publications Bullettin percentage of a number Il-Ħajja f’Għawdex Vox Fratrum percentage of a number Tenders Masses Sunday Mass Schedule Weekdays Mass Schedule Religous Services in English About Contact Us Historical Note The State of the Diocese Pope Pius IX and the Diocese The Chancery The Cathedral About Gozo
Id-Djoċesi ta Għawdex permezz ta l-uffiċċju tal-Promozzjoni Umana għamlet sejħa għall-għajnuna lill-vittmi taċ-Ċiklun Nargis li laqat il-popolazzjoni ta Myanmar fil-bidu ta Mejju ta din is-sena. Dan iċ-ċiklun hu l-agħar diżastru naturali percentage of a number li laqat lil dan il-pajjiż, u ħalla warajh mewt u ħerba kbira. Is-somma miġbura mill-parroċċi u l-knejjes f Għawdex għal dan il-għan kienet ta 10,371.24. Din is-somma ntbagħtet lill-Caritas Internationalis permezz tal-Caritas Malta.
Mons Isqof Mario Grech irringrazzja lill-poplu Għawdxi għall-ġenerożità tiegħu b risq il-vittmi taċ-ċiklu, percentage of a number ġenerożità li dejjem wera ma min huwa fil-bżonn. Dawk li għadhom jixtiequ jikkontribwixxu għal dan il-għan jistgħu jikkuntattjaw lil Dun Mikiel Borg fl-uffiċċju tal-Promozzjoni Umana li jinsab fil-Kurja ta Għawdex.
Recent Posts Papa Franġisku jagħraf il-virtujiet erojċi ta’ Madre Margerita De Brincat Messaġġ tal-Isqof Grech fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ San Franġisk de Sales, patrun tal-ġurnalisti It-tmin anniversarju mill-konsagrazzjoni episkopali tal-Isqof Mario Grech Signing of the Third Additional Protocol between the Holy See and the Republic of Malta Bullettin tal-Ħadd - 26 ta Jannar percentage of a number 2014
Created by Rose Anne Xerri
This percentage of a number site is sponsored by HSBC
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