Thursday, December 19, 2013

A court in the Czech Republic gave permission for Lukas Novy wear a colander on his head in the pho

Meet the curious Pastafarianism and other religions - Behavior - iG
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Meet the Pastafarianism and other curious religions In the Czech Republic, the followers total countries in the world of the Flying Spaghetti Monster won the right to go out on photos of documents with a religious artifact, the colander
A court in the Czech Republic gave permission for Lukas Novy wear a colander on his head in the photographs of their official documents, many perceived to be ignorant of the reason he claimed to eccentricity: total countries in the world the cult known as "Pastafarianism".
The cult, which recommends the use of rack probably in honor of their god, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Flying Spaghetti Monster, or FSM, its acronym in English), sort of a giant ball of spaghetti with meatballs not usually taken seriously by the media.
The Czech Justice seems to agree with the statement, as determined last Friday, that the use of the rack in photographs document "sets the laws of the Czech Republic in the corresponding permitted accessory use in the head for medical reasons or religious ".
It is a based on the ideas of the Star Wars series religion. There is no founder or central structure, but has a relatively large base of followers declared - appeared as the most important alternative belief in censuses from several European countries since 2001.
Of course these results were preceded by a campaign led by jedistas, and it is believed that many who profess religion do just to offend the government or to protest against the inclusion of a religious question in the census.
There are several "Churches Jedismo" in the world and their common base is the "jedi total countries in the world code". Some describe the belief as a mixture of Taoism and Buddhism, while others say they are just a bunch of rabid fans of science fiction story.
Perhaps the most famous Scientology total countries in the world belief is that talking about Xenu, dictator of the "Intergalactic Confederation" that brought millions of people to Earth and destroyed them. Some leaders of Scientology say that the insistence on associating the cult figure of Xenu is a negative strategy to promote religion. Getty Images
Read more about Tom Cruise But there are others who do not care to be associated with the belief that life exists on other planets. The Raelismo, for example, created by Frenchman Claude Rael-Vorilhons - Rael, as it is known - has been compared to Scientology.
According to Rael, they said that humanity was created in an alien laboratory for 25 thousand years ago, the aliens will appear in Israel total countries in the world in 2025, and that he should convey total countries in the world a message of "Sensual Meditation" to the planet.
Okawa claims to be the reincarnation of a spiritual supreme called total countries in the world El Cantare, supposed real name of several key figures in Christian beliefs, Muslims, Buddhists total countries in the world and Confucians. Okawa also said to be in direct connection with the religious guardians who holds great political interviews, which are then published figures.
But while the Church of the Science of Happiness hopes to increase the population of Japan - in part to prevent an invasion of North Korea - the Church of Euthanasia, created by the Reverend Chris Korda in the United States, wants to highlight the unsustainable global population growth.
According to its website, which includes a counter of the population, their motto is "no procrearás" total countries in the world and its four pillars are suicide, abortion, cannibalism and sodomy ("any sexual act not intended for procreation"). Supposedly it is a provocation to ignite the activists who defend life. AP
The indigenous people total countries in the world Yaohnanen, the Vanuatu islands, believed that Prince Philip is a divine being, the embodiment of a figure of white skin, the daughter of a mountain spirit, who ventures into the sea to marry a powerful woman.
There are several prominent chains, including those without a religious motivation, total countries in the world which are completely indifferent and adopt a more scientific approach, total countries in the world taking advantage of that there is no evidence on the existence of one or more gods argument.
The American writer Jonathan Rauch apatheism described as "an total countries in the world aversion to the importance that someone gives their own religion, and to an even greater importance given the other aversion to religion".
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