Saturday, November 9, 2013

I grew up in some troubled times in which people read books rather than hang the computer. So 90 in

Latest gamebook - soup sins dzver
I grew up in some troubled times in which people read books rather than hang the computer. So 90 in Bulgaria emerged books, puzzles, in which authorize demographics an enigma, demographics jumping from page to page, with the ability to choose where to continue reading.
A relatively successful authors, Michael Mayndkraym has undertaken an initiative to issue new gamebook. The idea is to write something that could not exist before the 97th - a huge thick paper book, as it did for former readers Celebrated Its Birthday longer children. Readers want to buy only the circulation before being written.
I know of Harizan (conditional) horse, demographics etc., but could not you think of the idea of someone else? Not that you missed these, just one more thing if you could by Bogdan Roussev and his regular co-author does not remember his name now. Wrote a very nice fantasy, even now as I catch mulligrubs your page through any of their books and umilyavam. On this occasion, I suspect that is Bogdan Bogdan Roussev Roussev of Capital dzver on November 22nd, 2011 17:06
Did you notice? This year came gamebooks. My favorite stall Slavejkov - one with magazines - showed me 2 and I bought "interactive novel: Assassins of Persia - Book One" of Blond Wayne at the beginning appears Omar Hayam, journal as the first gamebooks. Unfortunately I have not read it, and I like the style of Robert Blond / Bogdan Roussev, he has published books, but I have not read them. dzver on November 23rd, 2011 15:59
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