If you've played belote know that when you lose a game, your last hope is to take advantage of their right to redouble. The move is a desperate, often having to take when you are positioned along the wall, but when the stake is whether or not lose miserably despite obstiyatelstvata to exit with dignity and head held high on the situation, you have no other way. Protest against monopolies "No political oligarchy" is just that - rekontraprotest. Some people who no longer want to be lied to by the left and right, decided to take to the streets and state, this time permanently - "We do not want more to be machkanii cheated the system". Now all of you will say - how can you compare a protest with a game of cards? We will respond - the card game play it for 24 years among people who frequently change partners in political and public belote, but at the expense of continually hang with what they fall. Funny how these people, with few exceptions, are always the same two decades. In this card game among the players. And all the other cards are arranged in a deck called "voter lists." Rekontraprotestat that starts to happen on the territory of Bulgaria national statistics office is the latest wave of protests. For those who play belote - it's last ten. Rekontraprotestat not "beautiful and smart". He was distressed by the lies of protest and kontraprotesta. He does not believe any of the "beautiful and smart" which recently national statistics office was - correctly called "outnumbered." He does not believe national statistics office and mock kontraprotest, organized people in support of the government, who do not know what are the squares. He did not believe the government or of "opposition". Protest national statistics office "No to political oligarchy" is simple requests. No monopolies. Not a political scam. Not the political caste, not Ovcharov not Boyko, not Segrgey, not Rosen, not Volen not local. Total change of the political caste. Rekontraprotestat is the march of the people who have nothing to lose because they have lost everything. Because Bulgaria is a beautiful country, but the disgusting state. Whether rekontraprotestat will succeed? This will understand soon. But when even people like Ivan Kostov said that the pattern of summer protests in the country has suffered its downfall, because politics is not done with artistic - maliciously repeat the same question, but with political and economic reasons, then we should be aware that the last hope of all is the announcement of redoubles. Cards are dealt, bets are made. Begins autumn - winter season and everyone who dreaded going to Tres at the first hand of the final game of cards. EDC - th, or the Heat? Will allow more to make fun of us - it depends on us. In this last game of cards we have one benefit - those above have no idea what our final ten. Just let them zagatnem what awaited them. The square every Sunday from now on. There was time to redouble. VRASh back there.
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22/10/2013 at 22:02
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