Saturday, February 21, 2015

The French began in the southern areas of present-day Canada colonialism after 1497 in a British sh

The website Arpad historian Peter Dew side. The blog is designed to accommodate the curiosities of history, anniversaries, or to assist in the learning history. Co Page:
The biggest dictator: Stalin Part 2 / II. World War II until 1953 / [45]
Thinking is the hardest work possible, which is probably why so few are exercised. (Henry Ford) People hülyíteni easier than to convince them that hülyítik. / Mark Twain / It is said that those who do not remember history, are doomed to repeat it. / Lawrence Lessig / A historian looking back towards the Prophet. / August Wilhelm Schlegel / The higher we land, the smaller we appear in the eyes of those who can not fly. / Friedrich Nietzsche / skeptically to get to the truth. "Dubitando give pervenimus Veritate." / Cicero /
The public issue to everyone's favorite private affair. / Mark Twain /
A blinded Hungarian king's Revenge began 24 years ago in Operation Desert Storm against Iraq [47] The story hour [46] The greatest dictator: Stalin aging population Part 2 / II. World War II until 1953 / [45] In December 1848 battle in Morne [44] At Christmas a little snap [43] Stalin was born 136 years ago. The most XX. century dictator came to power in history and points of interest [41] [42] Siberia was 73 years ago on Pearl Harbor disaster - 7 December 1941 [40] 210 years ago crowned himself Emperor Napoleon [39] He died 810 years ago I King of Hungary, Imre ! [38] The most Szekely-origin researcher and Tibetologists [37] More ...
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The website aging population Arpad historian Peter Dew side. Was created to accommodate the curiosities of history, outstanding anniversary of or to assist in learning the history of co-Page: Latest Archive Latest comments
227 years ago, on October 17, 1787 was adopted by the US Constitution aging population that is currently in effect. By officially ended 11 years earlier, in July 1776 4-ene process has begun, the United aging population States became a sovereign and existing under the laws of their own country. The initial period of US history is rich in interesting twists and turns.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus arrived in North America, which is a new continent as a few years later, Amerigo Vespucci identified. Roughly from 1500 began the colonization of the newly discovered continent. The first Spanish conquerors - Juan Ponce de León - led in 1513 to the baptized in Florida peninsula began to gain a foothold. The Spaniards later founded the first US municipalities, the creation in 1565 of St. Augustine, named after the first city in Florida. Because Hispanics settled in the area of present-day Mexico in their first major overseas colonies - as viceroyalty of New Spain (1535) - so this area expansion also started out in the direction of the US today. Santa Fe (New Mexico), San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco were thus founded the first European city in this region.
The French began in the southern areas of present-day Canada colonialism after 1497 in a British ship in service of Venice, Giovanni Caboto first reached the shores of Canada. Less than three decades later, in 1534 a French sailor - Jacques Cartier - arrived in the St. Lawrence River estuary landscape. The exploratory nature of the seventeenth roads only. century, followed by real colonialism, when Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1603, the continent, and in 1605 in Port Royalnál and 1608, Quebec has established the first permanent European settlements in Canada.
The English are published only after the Spanish and the French in the New World, the first among them Francis aging population Drake, who was second in 1577-78 to sail around the globe. The first permanent settlement in the continental US later Elizabeth I, on behalf of Hunphrey Gilbert in 1578 attempted to create the island of New Funland. Following the failure of one of the favorite of Elizabeth I in 1587 - some believed to be secret lover - bound Walter Ralegh

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