Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Washington (Washington WA, / / w ɒ ʃ ɪ ŋ t ən), the West Coast of the United States the most nort

Washington (Washington WA, / / w ɒ ʃ ɪ ŋ t ən), the West Coast of the United States the most northern part of the province. Capital is Olympia, but the central city in terms of scale and economy is Seattle. North, British Columbia, Canada, south Oregon, east is in contact with Idaho. A result of Oregon treaty to solve the Oregon boundary dispute was tied to the 1846, west of Washington Territory was ceded from the UK has become the current Washington. 1889 to it was recognized as the United States 42nd state. 2010 census data
According to the 2010 census the state of the population has become a people 6,724,540. That approximately 60% along the Puget Sound of Salish sea traffic, are concentrated business, the Seattle metropolitan area is a center of industry. Puget Sound is a cove from the Pacific Ocean, many island glacier has been eroded, there is a deep fjord and the bay. Province of western has deep temperate rain forest, western, central, in the northeast and the most southeast there is a mountain range. Sub-dry basin of eastern thorough agriculture are being carried out. In the United States West Coast and the West is a province most populous second only to California.
State the name is derived from the founder President of the United States George Washington in the father of American 2010 census data founding, the fact that the name of the President attached is the only state in the United States. Although called Washington State to distinguish it from the capital Washington DC, citizens, state and British Columbia, Canada south of residents of neighboring villages 2010 census data are simply referred to as "Washington", the direction of capital or simply "Washington DC", "DC is called in "only. Areas with originally 2010 census data Washington State in honor of the Columbia River is called "Columbia", since the Washington, DC called Columbia, was Washington State to avoid confusion.
Prior to visiting the region in which explorers became 2010 census data the current Washington state from Europe, which is home to many Indian tribes, canoe and a mask that has been subjected to a totem pole and decoration is known. Center of livelihood is fishing of salmon, in the case of Makah I was going to whaling. Inland tribes is a basic is hunting and gathering, I was also carried out some form of agriculture. Furthermore Columbia River and salmon fishing in its tributaries also I had done. Indian of the population fell sharply for smallpox which was popular in the 1770s [1].
The first European to remain of record that landed in Washington coast, is a Spanish captain Don Bruno de Heceta Head of 1775, it was something that was visited by two ships fleet of Santiago and Sonora. They declared the sovereignty of Spain in all coastal areas of up to Prince William Sound in the north. This is a right by agreement of the Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain is set to "Spanish lake" the Pacific Ocean, it was one that all coastal areas and the Spanish Empire possession.
1778, but British explorer James Cook Captain was viewing the Cape Flattery at the entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Cook did not think that there is this strait. Captain Charles William Barkley of Imperial Eagle issue in 1787 is was the first that was visible the Strait. Fuandefuka Strait Spanish explorers Manuel Kinpa in 1790, Francisco de Eliza in 1791 is, even in 1792 explored the British explorer George Vancouver. 2010 census data
Exclusive rights claims of Spain is the end by the British and Nutoka meeting of Spain that took place in 1790, the coast of northwest has been open to the explorers and traders of other countries. Among them, the United Kingdom and Russia, even newborn shortly after the United States was actively. Then American captain Robert Gray discovered 2010 census data the Columbia River estuary. He in his honor in the boarding Columbia, I was named the River and the Columbia River. Gray began in the business of trade the rawhide of sea otters from 1792. October 10, 1805, Lewis and Clark Expedition has entered in the current state. [Edit] 19th century
United 2010 census data Kingdom and the United States have agreed to be a "co-territorial" to the Pacific Ocean from the Continental Divide of the Rocky Mountains of west as part of the 1818 Anglo-American consultation. To the east, Lake of the Woods of the Rocky Mountains 2010 census data was border the 49-degree line north latitude. Arrangements of territory on the west than the Rocky Mountains has been postponed. 1819, Spain gave the sovereignty of the north of 42 degrees north latitude line in the United States. Spain has not been the only territory of ownership 2010 census data in virtually right.
Negotiations on subsequent boundary between about 30 years the United Kingdom and the United States is not looking at the progress, it became 2010 census data what we call the two countries of tense relations that Oregon boundary dispute. When American settlers is to enter in droves 2010 census data to Oregon Country, 2010 census data formerly British domination of the District of Columbia Hudson's Bay Company, which did not encourage settlers to because there was a fear that the way the fur trade has reversed its position me was trying to keep. James Sinclair of trappers in manager George Simpson of the instruction 2010 census data of the Hudson's Bay Company, and led about pioneer 200 people of the Red River colony in 1841, entered the Hudson's Bay Company farms near Vancouver 2010 census data fort. This type is beyond the Rocky Mountains, enters the Columbia Valley in the current British Columbia radial near-time Hot Springs, was then down the Kootenai River and colon A river in the southwest direction. Despite such a move, in the Oregon Treaty was signed on June 15, 1846, the United Kingdom was ceded the land all the rights of the 49th parallel north south to the United States.
1836, Marcus Whitman such as missionary gang has established a number of missions and Whitman own settlements near the current Washington southeast Walla Walla County. Those of the earth was Kaiyusu group and Nez Perce people Indians territory. Settlements of Whitman will be to help Oregon Trail is the way of immigrants towards the western Yamagoe in 1843, it was decided to accept the numerous immigrants in the subsequent 10 years. Whitman is subjected to medical to Indians, this time to death many Indian patients immunity was not sick of Europeans, on the other hand many because white patients was recovery in, crowded think that there is a responsibility to is a doctor Whitman, in Whitman 2010 census data and other at the time of 1847 of Whitman massacre I killed 2010 census data 12 people Caucasian. This incident has evolved to Kaiyusu war between the Indians and the settlers.
Nisuku~ari fort is a farm and trade hub of the Hudson's Bay Company, founded in 1833, in the Puget Sound region and became the first European settlements. 2010 census data 1846, Missouri-born black pioneer George Washington Bush and Caucasian in the Tennessee-born wife Isabella James Bush led the white of 4 family fall into this land, Newmarket, the current Tumwater 2010 census data I built the town. They went to Washington to avoid the racial discrimination method of Oregon. Many more settlers after they over the mountains through the Oregon Trail, I went into the Puget Sound region of the north.
1852, gathered 2010 census data in the current Washington state with all residents Monticello from where it was (now Longview), 2010 census data you have created a memorandum to the Congress. This memorandum was intended to represent the desire of state promotion of named Columbia. The meeting came to be known as the Monticello conference. Request that has been issued for this meeting but was greeted favorably 2010 census data by Congress, named Colombia it is determined 2010 census data that already 2010 census data there is a possibility 2010 census data of confusion with the District of Columbia that exist. Although there is a strange way to solve the problem of confused with this capital city, state name was supposed to be taken the name of the founder President 2010 census data of the United States George Washington [2] [3]. Washington was promoted to the United States 42 th state to November 11, 1889 [4].
Early development was industry in the state was the agriculture 2010 census data and lumbering. Province in the eastern part looks like Yakima River Valley is known for apple orchards, while the wheat cultivation using dry farming 2010 census data is especially increase the productivity. Deep fog and many rain on the west side of the Cascade Mountains, the harbor facing the Puget Sound was especially thrive in shipment and production of Douglas fir timber. Other fisheries, salmon canning processing, and mining has evolved. [Edit] 20th century 2010 census data
When the Second World War, Washington State become a center of military industry, Boeing will produce a lot of domestic heavy bomber, Seattle, Bremerton, the harbor of Vancouver and Tacoma 2010 census data was used in the construction of warships. Seattle becomes the starting point of the soldiers sent out to Pacific Ocean, and many stayed at Golden Gardens park before departure. Province in eastern Hanford Works atomic energy plant opened in 1943, and played a major role in the atomic bomb production.
Washington State in the continent the United States located in the northwest 2010 census data corner of. Orego in the western Pacific Ocean, in the south

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