Saturday, January 18, 2014

2009 seventy-one special edition office of national statistics July 2009) (8) New Year special edit

In 1994 the United Nations held in Cairo Conference office of national statistics on Population and Development, the meeting adopted the "Programme of Action", requiring countries to implement birth control, fertility office of national statistics control. As we all know, high fertility is poor regions such as Southeast Asia, Africa, the phenomenon of wealthy regions such as Japan, Europe and the United States, suffer from low fertility without suffering high, so the population explosion office of national statistics has been pointing the finger of blame from poor areas, if poverty regional population is not firmly in control of their own, they might come up with a famine, say it nicely, office of national statistics it is also the problem of poverty in the region. This is a scary conclusion: poor regions do not take control of fertility, so the earth's population explosion, came up with so many issues that affect their (possibly affect other countries, damn!), Blame, blame others .
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Blood and sweat (10) Space (5) school (9) power structure (6) in school history (14) the so-called college (4) Useful Information (5) Student Organizations (12) University Life Culture (11) "in the college newspaper." 13 March, 2012 (33) "in the college newspaper" 13 February (27) "in the college newspaper" 13 January, 2012 (20) "in the college newspaper" September office of national statistics 12) (34). " office of national statistics college newspaper "April 12) (36)" Student Press "on office of national statistics 12 December (25)" college newspaper in the "No. office of national statistics 12 (31) November" college newspaper "12 October, 2011) ( 30) - June incident Supplement 2012 (48)
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